I Will Follow If…

Luke 9:57
“And it came to pass, that, as they went in the way, a certain man said unto him, Lord, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest.”

The man in the verse above had great intentions, but when it came down to following up with his decision he failed. Jesus talked about three different people who said, “I will follow thee…” What these men were truly saying was, “I will follow if…” They had conditions to following Jesus. They would follow Jesus if all the right conditions were met.

I find in Christianity today that many Christians talk a good talk, but their follow-through is very poor. If you were to go to the average Christian and ask if they wanted to serve the LORD, they would respond in a positive manner; however, when it comes down to them following the LORD, they oftentimes attach conditions to their service. I find in these three men the four common reasons that keep people from following the LORD.

The first reason that keeps people from following the LORD is that they have the mentality, “Let me first,” instead of “Seek ye first…” One man said, “…suffer me first…” The other man said, “…let me first…” There are many Christians who serve God as long as it doesn't interfere with what they are already doing. They say they love the LORD, but if serving the LORD interferes with what they want to do, then the LORD will have to wait. God never blesses a “Let me first” mentality. God blesses when you choose to seek Him first. When you decide to burn your desires and dreams to serve the LORD, it is then that He will bless.

The second reason that keeps people from following the LORD is that they are seeking temporal possessions instead of eternal rewards. When Jesus told the man in the verse above that He didn't have a place to call His own, then that man would not follow. If your service to God is dependent upon how many things you will get, then you will never serve Him. Many people have quit serving the LORD because they thought it hindered them from obtaining worldly possessions that they desired.

The third reason that keeps people from following the LORD is that they are more interested in their own agenda instead of God’s will. The second man who Jesus talked about wanted to go bury his father first. This man was more interested in his own agenda than God’s will. You are going to have to bury your agenda if you are going to successfully serve the LORD. Your agenda and God’s will oftentimes disagree. You will never successfully follow the LORD until you bury your personal agendas.

The fourth reason that keeps people from following the LORD is that they want family approval instead of God’s approval. The third man wanted to first bid farewell to his family. In other words, he wanted them to approve his following Jesus. Many people have quit serving the LORD because family didn't approve. There is nothing wrong with loving your family, but your family must always take second place to God. You should only desire God’s approval.

What is your excuse? What is keeping you from following the LORD? The reward for following the LORD is always much greater than any excuse you can give. Take the “if” out of serving God and simply say, “I will follow.”