Setting a Right Mindset

1 Corinthians 16:2

"Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come."

Having the right mindset has a lot to do with your success and accomplishments. When your mindset is plagued with the wrong priorities, you will end up doing the wrong things. Having a right mindset will give you the right attitude. Having a right mindset will dictate how you approach projects. Having a right mindset helps to plow the mind to give good ideas. Having a right mindset will ultimately keep you fundamentally sound.

God knew the importance of setting a right mindset, so He used money to do it. The verse above is about tithing. God said that every person should give their tithe on the first day of the week. This action truly helps set the right mindset. Let me show you how this affects your mindset.

First, it sets the right mindset concerning your finances. Having the right mindset with your finances is invaluable as it pertains to your future and God's blessings. By giving the tithes on the first day of the week, you are setting the mindset that your finances belong to God. You are to give to Him first. Moreover, it also sets the mindset to save your money. Notice, a person has laid aside this money. It truly gets someone to set the mindset that they don't have to spend everything they get. Furthermore, it sets your spending. When you know you must give to God and save your money properly, then it will set the right mindset with your spending habits to not spend frivolously.

Second, it sets the right mindset concerning your time. God said to give on the "first day of the week." In other words, God was setting the mindset that He deserves to be first in your daily schedule. It helps the Christian to set the mindset to give God the first part of the day every day. Early every morning the Christian has the right mindset to spend time with God. When the Christian makes sure that God has the first part of their schedule, then they will never have to make decisions between God and other obligations.

Third, it sets the right mindset concerning your priorities. By giving on the first day of the week, you are setting God as your first priority. It is so important to have the right mindset concerning your priorities with relationships. This sets the mindset that God is first, others come second and you are last. It keeps you in a humble state of mind.

What is the importance of all this? Setting the right mindset reveals your heart. If you are not willing to give the first of your finances to God, then you are showing that your heart is not with God. God says in Luke 12:34, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." When you are willing to give God the tithe on the first day of the week, then it reveals the mindset of your heart to you and others. It shows that you truly want to please God.

Friend, don't let this verse cause you to stiffen up. Let it help you in setting the right mindset for your day, week and year. If you will get your mindset right, you will find that life will flow much easier and there will be less drama in your personal life.