At the Core of Joint Success

Amos 3:3
“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”

The verse above, though only comprised of a few words, carries a powerful principle as to how two forces can succeed. God reminded Israel how together they were able to leave Egypt, survive the wilderness and conquer the land of Canaan. The way they did it was they walked together in agreement. Yet, because Israel no longer was in agreement with God, He was no longer able to work with them to see mighty works performed. It was the power of their agreement that allowed the mighty works to be done.

If may sound strange that God and Israel together were able to do this mighty work, but it shouldn’t. Yes, God could have shown His mighty power without Israel, but His power was revealed in a greater way because there was an agreement. God could have sent every plague upon Egypt without Israel’s agreement, but together His power was seen to send the plagues and deliver them from the mightiest army on Earth at that time. This was accomplished because they were in agreement. Their agreement that Israel wanted to serve God without being fettered with Israel’s false worship enabled this great success. If this agreement would not have existed, there would be no stories of God’s deliverance.

A very important principle is taught that will keep you from heartache and will allow you to accomplish great successes if followed. At the core of every joint adventure must be agreement. This agreement must include agreement in direction, philosophy, doctrine and opinion. In other words, a person should never go into business with someone else without being sure they are in agreement in these areas. A couple must never choose to get married, much less date each other, if they are not in agreement. Christians must make sure they are in agreement in doctrine and direction before they choose to yoke up with someone. Agreement must be there before you choose to walk with someone.

Moreover, this verse is emphasizing the importance of choosing whether to do things alone or in agreement with someone else. You may agree with someone that something needs to be done, but if you are not in agreement with your core values then you should never join forces. For instance, you may agree with someone that abortion is murder, and it is, but you should not yoke up with someone whose doctrinal and directional positions are different from yours. Agreement in opinion, doctrine and direction is the key to accomplishing things according to God’s standard.

Furthermore, God is also teaching that you need to stay focused on what you agree to, and avoid petty differences. If you walk with someone for any length of time, you are going to have conflicts. The way to keep the conflicts from destroying what is being accomplished is to stay focused on your agreement. If you will stay focused on what you agree on, you can overlook your petty differences and continue to see great accomplishments together.

The next time you must decide whether or not to yoke up with someone, let this principle of agreement be your guide. Be sure that you are directionally, doctrinally and philosophically in agreement before choosing to yoke up together. Yes, there are going to be differences along the way, but if you agree in these three areas, you will have a better chance of accomplishing great things together.