Dwelling in the Shadows

Psalm 91:1

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."

Dwelling in the shadows is a phrase that normally talks about someone who does not like to be the one being noticed. They are the ones who work behind the scenes and truly don't want any recognition. It is those who dwell in the shadows that oftentimes make things happen.

God wants His children to dwell in His shadow. When we dwell in His shadow, then He is the One Who gets the recognition for anything that is accomplished. That is how it is supposed to be. Dwelling in the shadow of the Almighty has some great benefits for those who are willing to live this way.

First, dwelling in the shadow of the Almighty gives victory. Anyone having difficulty overcoming sin should realize that if you would simply dwell in God's shadow then sin would never be a temptation. When you are in His shadow, you are in His presence. Sin flees whenever the presence of God arrives. Those who continually struggle with sin are only revealing their lack of a walk with God. As long as you dwell in His shadow, you will never struggle with sin or temptation. The struggle comes when you leave His shadow. If you want true victory over sin, then you must dwell in God's shadow.

Second, dwelling in the shadow of the Almighty gives protection. You need not fear the enemy's attack when you are in God's shadow, for He will protect you. It is like a child in the presence of their father, they are safe because their father protects them from all harm. You will always be protected from the enemy as long as you dwell in God's shadow.

Third, dwelling in the shadow of the Almighty gives security. The peace that comes from being around God is tremendous. God has a way of calming the drama of life. If you find your life in constant drama, then let me encourage you to get under God's shadow and find the peace that His security gives. God gives security to the married couple who dwell in His shadow. They can have the security that their marriage will make it as long as they dwell together under His shadow. The home, church or business that chooses to dwell under His shadow can have the security that He will help them through any hardships they may face. True security, which gives peace, comes from dwelling under God's shadow.

Fourth, dwelling in the shadow of the Almighty give power to the Christian. One of the greatest reasons we don't see great works today is because too many Christians have left God's shadow for man's methods and philosophies. Whenever you study the lives of those whom God used, you will realize that the one common denominator that caused them to be used greatly was their willingness to live under His shadow. You will never see God do great works through your life until you decide to dwell under His shadow.

Are you dwelling under the shadow of the Almighty? Living in the shadows is a great place to live as long as the shadow is God's. If there is something you must be sure that you do daily, it is spending time with God in prayer. It is that time in prayer that will allow you to dwell under His shadow and for these four things to become a part of your life. Stop trying to avoid the shadows, and start dwelling in His shadow.