Establishing the Society of the Home

Exodus 21:1
Now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them.

If anyone knows how to make a society civil, God would know how to do that. There is no doubt that if our society followed God’s laws that there would be no civil unrest. The reason we see the civil unrest is because we have thumbed our nose at God and told Him that we know how to make a civil society better than He does; but, we have miserably failed.

When Israel came out of Egypt, God showed them how to have a civil society. He did not want His children to pattern their behavior after Egypt because they represented Him. God gave Moses three types of laws that, if followed, would produce a behaved and moral society. God’s laws are divided into ceremonial (which according to Colossians 2:14, were done away at Calvary), civic and moral laws. As long as Israel followed these laws, their society would be peaceful.

Our homes should be no different from society when it comes to establishing laws in the home. If you want your home to be a place of tranquility where everyone gets along with each other, you are going to have to set up laws by which you live. You will have a happy and peaceful home if you follow God’s pattern for setting up the society of your home. Let me show you how these three types of laws can be applied to your home.

First, you must have moral laws in your home. The moral laws were laws that kept a man right with God. In other words, you must have rules and guidelines for how you live. There must be things at which you will and will not look. Honesty must be expected by all. Adultery and fornication cannot be considered. Always remember that moral laws reveal what is going on in the heart. These are things that keep a person right with God. If you don't establish laws of morality in your home, you will rear children who will live an immoral life and stop serving the LORD.

Second, you must have ceremonial laws. The ceremonial laws were those laws that kept a man at peace with God. The ceremonial laws were laws by which only Israel lived because they were God’s children. In other words, every home needs to have their own home rules. In other words, you act a certain way because of who you are. You dress a certain way because of who you represent. You listen to certain music because of your Christianity. You go to certain places because you are a Christian. These laws must be established in your home to differentiate you and your family from the world. These laws identify you as a Christian to the world.

Third, you must have civic laws. These laws were ones that established how they got along with each other and authority. Every home must establish your conduct with authority. You must expect your children to listen to all authority. Moreover, you must establish you conduct in public. Children need to know they are expected to act right in church, the grocery store, the restaurant, and in public. They must also learn that they are not going to treat other people wrongly. These laws help you to act right in public.

These laws must be a part of your home if you are going to have a civil home. The reason you must have these laws is because you represent Christ. If you have these in your home, you will find a home that is at peace with God, with others and with each other.