God WILL Provide

Genesis 22:8
“And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.”

We often talk about Abraham’s faith, but rarely do we stop to see what made his faith so great. When you study his life, you often see times when his faith wavered, but when you look at his faith at its strongest, you will be hard pressed to find anyone whose faith was stronger.

Maybe no story better exemplifies the strength of Abraham’s faith than when God asked him to sacrifice his son. One of the interesting things about this story is that when he went to sacrifice his son, he went without a ram. He easily could have brought a ram just in case, but his faith was strong enough to believe that God would raise Isaac from the dead. Abraham knew that God promised to make a great nation through his son Isaac, so his faith believed that God had the power to raise him from the dead after he was sacrificed. I just don't know of any person who has that strong of faith. Yet, Abraham went forward in faith and God blessed him for it. Several elements of Abraham's faith can be helpful to building your faith.

First, Abraham’s faith was more about God than it was about his ability to have faith. The strongest faith is the faith that believes God is powerful enough to make whatever you are trying to do happen. Always remember that it is never about our faith, it is always about God’s power. One reason God used the great saints of yesteryear is that they stepped out believing God was powerful enough to make what they were attempting to do happen. You will never strengthen your faith until you believe in God’s omnipotence.

Second, Abraham’s faith believed in what he had never seen. Is this not what faith truly is? Your faith will never be strengthened if you continue to do what you know has already been done. True faith in God attempts great things for Him. One reason we don't see God’s power working today is because we don't attempt great things for Him. There is no reason for God to show His power because we have stopped believing that He can do what we cannot see. You will never see God perform the miraculous through your life until you get to the point where you step out on that which you have never seen.

Third, Abraham’s faith was evidenced by action. When Isaac asked his father where the lamb was for the burnt offering, he replied,“God will provide…” Faith is not faith without action. You can talk about how much faith you have, but it will only be evidenced by your action. Faith is dormant without action. Christian, it is not that you don't have faith, it is simply that you haven't acted on it. God didn't give Abraham more faith than He gave you. No! You have the same amount of faith, but the difference is that Abraham acted on his faith because He believed in the power of God.

God will provide for you just like He did for Abraham, but you must act before He provides. If God provided before you acted, it wouldn't be faith. Stop doubting the power of God and believe He still has the power to do anything. If you want to see God perform the miraculous through you, you are going to have to step out and attempt for God something you have never seen. It is when you attempt the unseen that God sees your faith and provides.