How Long Do I Need to Wait?

Habakkuk 1:2
“O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!”

One of the most discouraging things that many Christians face is not getting answers to prayers. The Devil loves to use the time when we perceive that God is not answering our prayers to defeat our spiritual confidence and he even attempts to get us to stop praying. He knows that if we stop praying, he can win some battles.

When you go through times of unanswered prayers, you need to understand that you are not alone. Habakkuk stated to God, “O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear!” In times like these, you must be careful not to make foolish decisions and quit praying or serving the LORD. There are several lessons you can learn from Habakkuk that will help you when you feel your prayers are not being answered.

First, God is not on trial! Habakkuk didn't threaten God during this period of unanswered prayers. You have to decide that you are going to serve God whether or not He chooses to answer your prayers. You shouldn't serve God only to get answered prayers, but you need to serve Him because it is right. If you put God on trial every time you pray, there is going to come a time when you stop serving Him.

Second, unanswered prayer is not a reflection of your spirituality. Habakkuk was a Prophet of God, and he didn't get his prayer answered. It is interesting that God was speaking to Habakkuk, but He just hadn't answered his prayers. Just because God hasn't answered your prayer doesn't mean you are unspiritual. In fact, if you explore the other areas of your life you will probably see that God is talking to you. Certainly, there are times when unanswered prayer is a sign of unspirituality, but that is not always true. Don't beat yourself up because God isn't answering the prayer you deem most important. He is probably speaking to you in other areas, so don’t consider yourself unspiritual because your prayer isn't being answered.

Third, answered prayers must not be the source of your living. What I mean by this statement is that you can't base your whole spiritual life off answered prayers. God shows us what we are to base our spiritual living on in Habakkuk 2:4 when He says, “…the just shall live by his faith.” Don’t let unanswered prayers affect your attitude or spirituality. If God doesn’t want you to have it or if it is not God’s timing then what you consider an unanswered prayer has been answered. Don't become short with God or others just because you perceive your prayer or prayers are not being answered. Let your spiritual disposition be based off your faith because your faith will never change and is always present.

Fourth, keep praying! Habakkuk didn't let the unanswered prayers influence his prayer life. In fact, in Habakkuk 3:1 it says, “A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet upon Shigionoth.” In spite of not having his prayer answered, he kept praying. When your prayers are not being answered, keep praying. When you think Heaven’s doors have been closed to your prayers, keep praying. When you wonder how long is it going to take before God answers your prayer, keep praying. Always remember, “…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16) Your prayer is being answered in ways you may not understand because it is profiting you in some area that you don't see. Let me encourage you to keep praying until the light comes through.