It's Not a Fluke

1 Samuel 18:28

"And Saul saw and knew that the LORD was with David, and that Michal Saul's daughter loved him."

The first time someone does something extraordinary we often think it was by chance. The second time they do something extraordinary we may think they are lucky. When they do something three times, you know it is not a fluke. You know that there is something very special about this person that enables them to do these extraordinary acts.

David was certainly no fluke. Saul heard the reports of how David killed the lion and the bear and probably chalked that one up as chance. He saw David go up against Goliath and kill him and thought that he was lucky to hit Goliath in the right spot with a stone. Yet, when Saul saw that David went up against the Philistines and slew two hundred of them by himself, he knew that there was something special about this young man. Saul knew what was special about David was that the LORD was with him. Saul understood that only God could make these things happen over and over again.

Do you realize that the same LORD Who was with David is with you if you are saved? The same LORD Who was with David to help him overcome the obstacles he faced can be with you if you will spend time with Him. There was no doubt that the hand of the LORD was upon David, but I find that the same LORD will put His hand upon you if you are willing to pay the same price he paid.

When the lions and bears of life come against you, the LORD can deliver you like He delivered David. You may be facing lions and bears of financial struggles, but if the LORD is with you it will be no fluke to overcome them. Others may look at your financial situation and say that you are going to be eaten up, but the LORD can come through for you and deliver you from the mouth of finances.

When you face the giants that are trying to destroy you and all that you believe, it will be no fluke when you defeat the giants if the LORD is with you. The only way to defeat your giants is to have the LORD on your side. Friend, you can defeat the world system that is trying to destroy your family and purity with the LORD on your side. You can defeat the lustful attacks of the giants of the world with the LORD's help. Every giants of vice that the world throws at you can be overcome if the LORD is on your side.

Furthermore, when you face the attack of acquaintances, you can overcome them if the LORD is on your side. I can testify how the LORD has helped me overcome the attacks of acquaintances and friends, and it has only happened because of Him. When it seems that you have no hope to overcome these attacks, if you will get the LORD on your side these attacks will come to naught.

What did David do so that the LORD would be with him? Psalm 91:1 says, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." The secret is to live "under the shadow of the Almighty." Friend, you must walk with God in the Scriptures and in prayer if you are going to abide under His shadow.

There is no secret to getting the LORD on your side. The only secret is where you choose to dwell. If you choose to dwell under the shadow of the world, then you will live a life of heartache; however, when you choose to dwell under the shadow of the Almighty, you will find that no matter what you face He will be there to help you to victory. I encourage you today to start dwelling under His shadow, and you will find Him always on your side.