Staying Focused in the Midst of Blessing

Luke 12:31

"But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you."

Jesus tells the story of a farmer who was rich. One year his harvest was much better than normal. Because of the great harvest, this man decided to build more barns and lay up his harvest to the point that he thought he would have no more cares in his life. This farmer was foolish in the fact that he had no power over the harvest. He became so confident that the harvest was because of what he did that he thought he could do it again. As I look at this parable and Jesus' response throughout the rest of the chapter, I find several lessons that will help to keep us from entering into the foolishness of this farmer.

First, always remember that it takes God. The first mistake of this farmer was not that he built greater barns, but his first mistake was that he thought his own hands were what sent the harvest. Many Christians have fallen into this foolish trap because of God's blessings. This farmer was not blessed because of himself, but it was God Who blessed him. Likewise, every blessing you get from God is not because of what you did, but your blessings in life are because of God. Preachers must be careful that they don't become so self-confident in their own abilities that they think they can do it again. No, if a preacher's ministry is going to be blessed, it is going to be blessed because of God. You may be able to manufacture your own results, but the eternal results will only come because of God. People from all walks of life must always remember that it always takes God.

Second, it always takes prayer. In verses 22-28, Jesus was showing the importance of praying. One of the foolish mistakes this farmer made was that he stopped his prayer life. Friend, the capacity of God's blessings upon your life will be dependent upon your prayer life. It is not time to stop praying when you are being blessed. You must continually find yourself on your face before God begging for His help even in the midst of blessings. When you stop praying, you shut off the faucet of God's blessings.

Third, it takes faith. Part of Jesus' rebuke was that they had "little faith." You will never please God without faith. When is the last time you stepped out on faith? This farmer was going to live the rest of his life on his present day successes and forgot that God requires us to live by faith for the remainder of our lives. One day of blessing doesn't excuse you from living a life of faith. God requires us to daily live by faith. When you experience the blessings of God, that does not mean you will never need to step out and do more, it simply means that God is trying to broaden your faith by causing you to step out and do more. Use today's blessings as a stepping stool to launch out and do more.

Fourth, it takes our proper focus. Jesus reminded us that in the midst of blessings we are to stay focused on seeking His kingdom. Don't allow God's blessings to cause you to lose focus. Many Christians have turned their eyes upon God's blessings during the time of blessing and have forgotten God. Don't ever let the blessings of God become your curse. Always keep doing right. When you are being blessed of God, keep reading the Scriptures, praying, soul winning, being faithful to church and ministering to others. This is what brought God's blessings upon you, and this is what will keep them upon you.

It is so easy in the time of blessing to lose focus on these four things. Don't let the foolishness of this rich fool become a part of your life. In the midst of blessings, stay humble. In the midst of blessings, just keep doing what you have always done and God will continue to bless you in your life.