The Power of Grace

Galatians 1:23
“But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.”

Nobody would be saved without God’s grace. According to Ephesians 2:8-9, it is by God’s grace that we are saved. Works can’t save us because we can never be good enough to earn salvation. The power of God’s grace is amazing. You see in this chapter what the power of grace can do.

First, grace comes to where we are. Paul said in verse 15, that he was called by God’s grace. In order to be called, that means God had to come where he was. Paul knew he was unworthy of the God’s grace, so grace had to come to him so that he could get saved. Aren’t you glad that we didn't have to go to God, but He came to us? Grace is so powerful that it compels the one who is worthy to go to the one who is unworthy.

Second, grace places us where we should not be. God’s grace is what allowed Paul to be a preacher of the Gospel. He didn't deserve to be a preacher, but grace allowed him to be a preacher. There isn't a Christian alive who deserves to do what God allows them to do, but grace is so powerful that it allows someone to do what they are not worthy of doing. That is what grace is all about. Grace shows what God can do through someone’s life.

Third, grace changes us from who we were. Paul once destroyed Christians, but God grace changed his destructive attitude and desires to be one who builds those whom he once destroyed. That is the power of grace. God’s grace is what changes anyone. When someone who is unworthy sees another who is willing to be gracious towards them, then that challenges them to change who they are.

Now imagine if you practiced this same grace with those around you. If grace was practiced in the home, then we would see more people getting along in the home. Grace is certainly not a license to sin, but grace gives the person who has done wrong another chance to do right.

Every marriage would be transformed if each spouse practiced grace. Instead of constantly berating your spouse, why not try being gracious towards them? You might find that if you were more gracious towards your spouse that they may give more of an effort to change those areas that annoy you and cause problems in your marriage. I have found that my wife is more apt to want to change if I practice grace and give her a chance to grow. When you love someone, you will be more willing to be gracious towards them when they mess up.

Furthermore, if Christians exercised grace towards each other, you would find churches would have a greater influence on the lost. Instead of being judgmental towards the fallen, be that person who is willing to restore them. When you practice grace, it motivates others to want to do better the next time.

Instead of condemning those who mess up, learn to be gracious towards them. Grace is the key ingredient that allows us to get along with each other and motivates the weak one to become strong. Let’s be Christians who are as gracious to others as God is to us.