The Saul Test

1 Samuel 15:3

"Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass."

Every person at some point in their life will be tested by God to see whether they can be used in a greater way. Each person will face a different test. The test you face will not be the same test I take, but how we do on that test will determine how much God can use us.

Saul was faced with three tests, and he failed them all. Saul's potential from the start was limitless, but he failed the test God had for him and quickly squelched any potential. Many Christians face the Saul test and fail as well. Let me show you the three tests God sent his way and show you how you can pass them.

First, Saul faced the peer pressure test. In 1 Samuel 13:7 is the story of Saul waiting on Samuel to come and sacrifice for them before they went to war. Because Samuel didn't come at the time appointed, the pressure of the people forced Saul to perform the sacrifice he had no business performing. He allowed peer pressure to influence him to do wrong.

What you do with the peer pressure test will highly determine your usefulness. God cannot use people who can't stand up against the pressures people will put upon them. A person who can't stand alone is a person who can't be depended upon to secure truth. Friend, don't let peer pressure influence you to compromise truth. Always stand for truth even when you must do it alone.

Second, Saul faced the waiting test. In the same story from 1 Samuel 13, Saul waited on Samuel to come and perform a sacrifice. Saul didn't understand that the waiting test was a test to see how much he would be willing to wait upon the LORD. His failure to pass the waiting test showed his inability to wait upon the LORD.

If you want God to use you greatly, you must be able to wait upon the LORD. The LORD doesn't always work in our timeline. Waiting upon the LORD shows the level of trust you have in God. If you can't wait in prayer, then you'll fail when the battles of life come your way.

Third, Saul faced the obedience test. Saul was commanded to completely destroy the Amalekites, but he failed. The obedience test truly reveals ones heart for God. God wants to see if you can be trusted. Obedience always reveals ones trustworthiness. If God can't trust you to obey with the smaller tasks He has given you, then you cannot be trusted with greater responsibilities. If you want God to use you greatly, then you must completely obey God, even when obedience doesn't benefit you.

Did you pass the Saul tests? These tests will certainly reveal how much God can use you. If you find yourself lacking in any of these areas, then I would like to challenge you to change what is causing you to fail in these areas. Each of these tests reveal how much God can trust you. Don't let God down. Each of these test are simply a revelation of your faith and trust in God. If you will build your faith and trust by reading the Word of God and walking with Him, you will pass these tests with flying colors.