There is Hope in the Right Trust

Psalm 146:3
“Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.”

It is so easy to put trust in someone whom the LORD has or is using in a great way. Mankind tends to gravitate towards following man when the Scriptures clearly warn never to place your trust in man. If you allow man to be the one to whom you place your trust, then man will have the power to destroy you.

At the writing of this devotional, I have been in evangelism for over two and a half decades. When I first went into evangelism, I had nobody who put their arm around me and told me they would help me to be successful in the ministry. Everything that has happened in my ministry is because of the LORD. I’ve had no financial backing other than the LORD. I’ve had nobody send letters to promote my ministry; the only promotion I’ve had came from the LORD. Truly, the LORD is responsible for everything that has happened in my ministry these many years.

In the early years of my ministry, I went through a battle where someone was bent on destroying me and the ministry in which the LORD placed me. I was at a conference at this time of the battle, when an older preacher pulled me aside to be an encouragement. He made a statement to me that day that I’ve never forgotten. He said, “Bro. Domelle, if the LORD is the one who set up your ministry, then the LORD is the only One who can take you down.” His encouragement was simply a reminder that if man wasn't the one who made me successful, then man has no power over what the LORD has established. That piece of advice has been gold for this preacher for many years. Every time I face a battle, I realize that my trust is in the LORD in my safety net.

The verse above warns, “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.” This warning is to every Christian. You may try to get close to a well-known person in hopes that they can promote you, but if man sets you up then man can take you down. Your trust must never be placed in what man can do for you; it must be placed in the LORD who has the power to deliver and provide for you.

Verse 5 shows where we should place our hope. It says, “Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God:” Notice, happiness doesn't come from placing your hope in man, but it comes from placing your hope in the LORD. It is the LORD who is able to deliver you. It is the LORD who is capable feeding you. It is the LORD who is capable of loving you when others forsake you. Oh my friend, everything you need in life can be found in the LORD.

Let this devotional be a reminder to stop looking for the approval and help of man. Young preacher, stop trying to get close to the well-known preacher and get close to the LORD. Church member, stop trying to please your pastor in hopes that he will give you a position and start doing right to please the LORD. Christian, when you place your trust in the LORD, you will find there is hope to make it through every circumstance you face. Man will come and go, and he can turn against you as quickly as he has promoted you. The only one who truly has the power to help you in every circumstance you face is the LORD. Let your trust be placed in Him.