Turning Circumstances Around

Isaiah 37:3
“And they said unto him, Thus saith Hezekiah, This day is a day of trouble, and of rebuke, and of blasphemy: for the children are come to the birth, and there is not strength to bring forth.”

Isaiah had a knack of turning bad circumstances around. He turned his kingdom around to serving the LORD. He turned back the oppression of the king of Assyria. He also turned sickness into health. Hezekiah found that the secret to turning things around was to go to the One Who could turn things around. It wasn't that he could turn them around, but he knew the One Who could turn things around. Hezekiah knew that God was the only one who could turn things around. Whenever life dealt him bad circumstances, he quickly ran to God and asked for help. Four times Hezekiah turned to God to turn circumstance around.

First, in the “day of trouble” he turned to God for help. The word “trouble” is talking about adversity and tribulations. When your day of trouble comes, you need to learn to turn to God. It is God Who can turn away adversity. You can sit and bemoan what you are going through, or you can go to God and ask for His help. Talking to others about your day of trouble is not going to help you, but talking to God about it is the proactive way of facing it. Your “day of trouble” will become a day of opportunity when you turn to God for help.

Second, in the day of “rebuke” he turned to God. This “rebuke” was God’s correction. Israel faced these enemies because of their sin; however, Hezekiah knew that God was merciful and ready to help His children even in the time of rebuke. Your sins may have caused your problems, but God can help you through them if you turn to Him in prayer. Wishing you would not have done something doesn't change a thing because you have already done it. The only thing you can do to turn the day of “rebuke” around is to turn to God for help.

Third, in the day of “blasphemy” he turned to God. When others falsely accused Hezekiah, he didn't retaliate, but he turned to God. It is never easy when you hear others falsely accusing you. When the day of “blasphemy” comes, you have an advocate in God Who can help. Only God can stop the lies that are being said about you. Your best defense in the day of “blasphemy” is not to attack the other person personally, but to get God engaged to turn their attacks against them through prayer. My friend, it is tempting to want to defend yourself through retaliation, but only God can defend you when others are saying things about you that are not true.

Fourth, in the day of sickness he turned to God. In Isaiah 38:1-2, he turned and “and prayed unto the LORD” for healing. When sickness has gripped your body, your best hope is to turn to God. God knows what is going on in your body, and He can heal you if you go to Him. I’m not against you going to doctors for help, but go to God first to ask for His healing.

Your only hope to turning unwanted circumstances around is God. Christian, God has never failed. The only thing standing between turning your “day of trouble” into a day of opportunity is your lack of turning to God in prayer. Don't wait! Turn to God now, for He alone can turn your circumstances around.