You Are a Provoker

1 Chronicles 21:1
“And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.”

Every action you perform is provoking someone’s personal conduct. If you have a good heart for the LORD, you will want your actions to provoke people to do right. Whether your actions seem little or big, seen or unseen, your actions are affecting someone’s life and the choices they make.

The word “provoke” carries several definitions. To provoke means, to call into action, to incense or enrage, to stimulate or challenge, and it means to induce someone to do something. Your actions will provoke one of these definitions in someone’s life. Several observations you must consider concerning what your actions are provoking others to do.

First, are your actions provoking others to do wrong? In the verse above, Satan “provoked David to number Israel.” David’s act to number Israel was an act of pride. The children of Israel provoked Moses to smite the rock instead of speaking to it. In both of these cases, these men ultimately were responsible for their actions, but someone provoked them to do wrong. Are your actions provoking someone to do wrong? Do your actions cause others to get angry? Do your actions cause others to do something that God wouldn't want them to do? Friend, you are responsible for your influence, and you better be sure your actions are not influencing others to do wrong.

Second, are your actions provoking others to good works? Hebrews 10:24 says, “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:” How you treat people should provoke others to want to love more. You should desire your treatment of the fallen to provoke others to love them instead of condemning them. Your treatment of the outcast should provoke others to love them instead of shunning them. How you treat others will either provoke others to love or to avoid and mistreat others.

Third, are your actions provoking others to good works? Hebrews 10:24 talks about provoking others “to good works.” You should make it your life goal to encourage others to do right. For instance, you could provoke those who are not faithful to church to be faithful. You could provoke people to pray and read the Scriptures daily. You could provoke someone to become a soul winner by asking them to go with you. You could provoke someone to help on a bus route by asking them to go with you on Saturdays and Sundays. You could provoke someone to help you in the nursing home ministry by asking for their help. All it takes to provoke others to good works is to ask them to help you. You can do that!

Fourth, are your actions provoking others to emulate? Romans 11:14 says, “If by any means I may provoke to emulation…” The word“emulation” means, to match or surpass an effort. Your actions should stir another’s passion for desiring God's power to work in their lives. If you don't settle for the average and are filled with the Spirit, you will find that the works God does through you provokes others to want to see Him do the same works through them. Let me ask you, is there anything in your life that provokes someone to emulate what the LORD is doing through you? If not, you need to step up your efforts and let your actions provoke others to desire to see God do something mighty through them. Remember, you are provoking someone. What you must ask is, what are you provoking others to do?