You're Going to Get a Raise

Proverbs 3:35

"The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools."

People in most workplaces are oftentimes clamoring for a raise. There are some who simply don't say anything about getting a raise, but inside they truly desire that their boss would give them a raise. There are others who always complain about not being paid enough and vocalize their desire to earn more. Getting a raise always seems to be a desire in every workplace.

God shows us that we are guaranteed a raise. The raise we get may not be the one we want, but we are the one who choose what type of raise we are going to get. He says, "The wise shall inherit glory..." This is the type of raise most would want, but sadly there are many who will be promoted with shame because they lived the life of a fool. There are two things that determine what type of raise you will get.

First, the choices you make will determine your raise. Throughout this whole proverb, God makes it clear you have choices to make. You have the choice to trust in the LORD or to put your trust in man. You may not always understand why the LORD is performing certain works in your life, but you must make the choice of who you are going to trust. You can trust the LORD Who has never led anyone wrong, or you can trust yourself or mankind who has led you into many wrong and hurtful decisions. Your choices clearly determine what type of raise you will get.

Second, the conduct by how you choose to live will also determine your raise. You can choose to honor the LORD with all that you have, or you can choose to live for yourself and the world. God says in verse 9, "Honour the LORD with thy substance..." How you choose to live your life will determine what your raise will become. When God must chasten you for doing wrong, your attitude as you go through the chastening will determine your conduct in life. If you despise the LORD's chastening, then you will end up living the life of a fool. If you take the chastening of the LORD as a lesson to improve how you live, then your conduct in life will bring honor and glory to the LORD.

The choices you make and the conduct by which you live do determine your promotion. The one who chooses to trust themselves and live life the way they want to live will receive the promotion of shame and disgrace. Go ahead and live your life in such a manner that states you know more than God, but you will eventually find out the shame and disgrace that type of life brings.

Moreover, the one who chooses to trust the LORD and honor Him with their life will find their life will bring honor and glory to the LORD. Not only will it bring Him honor and glory, but you will find that God will honor and promote you. Trusting the LORD and serving Him will always bring a life of honor. You may not get this inheritance immediately, but it will come.

Your choices and conduct do have consequences. Determine to make the right choices in life. Always keep in mind that your choices influence your conduct. If you want to live right, then make right choices. Those who make the right choices will live the right way, and they find in the end that God will honor them.