It Has been a while!!

It has been a while since we have sent out our web update news. We are now up to date and hope to stay that way. We have just made available 8 sermons! Four each by Bro. Schaap and Bro. Hyles. We want to give our email subscribers a little explanation as to what has been going on. This explanation will not appear on the site it self. Hyles Publications has changed the permission that they had previously granted us for posting the sermons. After a month of negotiating, we are now able to continue posting Bro. Hyles' sermons each week as they are re-released. They have given permission to post Bro. Schaap's sermons, but not in the same year they are preached. So, until October of 2007, we will be re-posting older sermons by Bro. Schaap each week as "Sermons of the Week" like we do with Bro. Hyles. Once we reach October, we will start posting where we left off with the 2006 sermons and continue, with "new" sermons on the site each week. Until October of 2007 we will be posting the sermons from 2001, Bro. Schaap's first year as our Preacher. We hope you will enjoy reliving our first year with "Preacher"!!