Protecting Your Greatest Asset

Proverbs 25:28

“He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.”

The greatest asset you have in life is your spirit. Your spirit determines your outcome and drive, and it influences

your ability to lead and help others. A person who has no power over their spirit is a person who is driven by the winds of the day. Being able to rule your spirit reveals your ability to rule your flesh. The person who has no rule over their spirit is a person who allows the flesh to dictate what they do; they are a person who allows the circumstances of life to dictate their disposition and outlook over circumstances.

Ruling your spirit is what allows you to be what the verses before this verse command you to be. For instance, ruling your spirit is what allows you to be “cold waters to a thirsty soul.” Ruling your spirit is what allows you to have a right spirit when you have to deal with contentious people. Ruling your spirit is what allows you to do good to those who try to hurt you. So much of the Christian walk is determined by how well you rule your own spirit. The greatest battle you can win is the battle over your spirit. Let me give you several ways to stay in control of your spirit.

First, don’t let outside resources influence you. You’ll never win the battle over your spirit by feeding your spirit with the negative trash about others. You’ll never win the battle over your spirit by continually feeding your spirit with the negative news of the day. One of the mistakes many people make is that they watch the news. I have learned that the best way to stay in control of my spirit is not to watch the news. I read the news so that I can control what I feed my spirit. The news sources of the day are negative by nature, and you will never rule your spirit if you let them feed you their negative all day long.

Moreover, you cannot rule your spirit by listening to gossip. Gossip is a cancer that will kill your spirit and destroy your belief that God can use people. My friend, the best way to handle gossip is not to listen to it at all. Having a right and positive spirit is more important than knowing the scoop about people.

Second, let God’s Word feed your spirit. God’s Word gives your spirit a faith outlook that helps you to overcome the negative that is thrown at you all day. God’s Word is to your spirit what an air pump is to a flat tire; it will pump your spirit up with the truth that God is in control. If you will turn off the news media and negative feeders into your life and turn on God’s Word by reading it, you will find it much easier to keep a positive spirit in negative times.

Third, yield to the Holy Spirit. Yielding to the Holy Spirit is the key to ruling your spirit. When you yield to the Holy Spirit is when you are no longer in control of your spirit, but He is in control of it. The Holy Spirit will give you a faith outlook on life that will help you to believe that every situation you face is a mere opportunity for God to show His power.

Do you find yourself having problems ruling your spirit? Do you find your spirit is constantly weighed down with the negative of the day? You must learn to protect your spirit from those things that will puncture and wound it. When you have the right spirit is when you will be able to help others who are struggling with their spirit. My friend, learn to walk away from those things that will ruin your spirit and feed your spirit those things that will give you a faith outlook on life.

Author: Allen Domelle