Sunday bulletin from FBC Hammond

Some may not have noticed that we post the Sunday church bulletin from First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana each week. Each Sunday afternoon we post the bulletin for that day. You will find a link to it near the top of the page.

Logical Expressions

Many of you are aware that we have a blog called "Logical Expressions". That blog was actually hosted on a commercial blogging site. There was one problem with that. There were automatically placed links at the top of the page that would take you to other blogs. Some of the blogs it would take you to were not the type of place that we would want to send people. Our new hosting service enables us to host our own blogs, so now both of our blogs are entirely hosted on! We hope that this change will make your Internet more enjoyable and safe for the entire family to enjoy.

No sermons this week

We just arrived home from our business trip out west and discovered that our tapes of sermons had not arrived. We expect to catch up next week with two weeks of sermons.

Where are we?

We flew out Sunday for a business conference. Below is a picture taken from our hotel window. Can you guess where we are? I'll give you a clue, it is in the western U.S.A.

Sermons from 4/16/06 Delayed

Betty and I will be away on a business trip this week, therefore the sermons will not be available until at least Saturday 4/29/06. Check the blog daily as we will reveal where we are and possibly post some pictures also!


Welcome to our new blog for Baptist City. This is our first post, just to give you an idea of what to expect here. I was on a business trip this past week to Clinton, Illinois. I saw the object in the picture