Altering Unalterable Laws

Esther 8:8

"Write ye also for the Jews, as it liketh you, in the king's name, and seal it with the king's ring: for the writing which is written in the king's name, and sealed with the king's ring, may no man reverse."

Mordecai, Esther and the Jews were facing total annihilation. A law had been written that was sealed with the king's ring. Whenever the king made a law, it was considered unalterable. Esther 1:19 shows us the strength of these laws when it says, "...let it be written among the laws of the Persians and the Medes, that it be not altered..." It looked as if the Jews had no hope.

Fortunately, the Jews understood they served a God Who could alter unalterable laws. The theme of the Book of Esther is that there is a God Who can alter unalterable laws. No, God's name is not mentioned in the entire book, but you will see that they fasted and prayed that God would alter these laws, and He did. The thing that saved the Jews was that they did not let the unalterable cause them to quit, instead they went to the One Who could alter it and He did.

Throughout the Scriptures you will see that our God is a God Who can alter unalterable laws. When Joshua fought the battle against the Amorites, he asked God to alter the unalterable law of the sun setting, and God altered the unalterable and kept the sun from setting. The battle was won because someone believe God could alter the unalterable.

When Moses faced the great Red Sea and the Egyptian army, it seemed as if they would be destroyed. They faced a sea that could not be altered and death seemed to be imminent. Yet, God altered the unalterable by causing the sea to part as Israel crossed over on dry land.

When Hezekiah faced a sickness that would take his life, he asked God to alter the unalterable. God heard his prayer and sent the prophet to Hezekiah to inform him that he would be healed. God showed Hezekiah this was true by altering the unalterable shadow by moving the shadow back ten degrees.

Shall we forget to mention other times when God altered the unalterable? Don't forget the times when the dead were given life, the deaf were healed, the dumb began to speak, the sick were healed, the Jordan waters were parted and so much more. Time and space cannot allow us to cover all the times God altered the unalterable laws.

You may face situations in your life that seem to be unalterable, but let me remind you that God can alter the unalterable. When you face the unalterable, it is not time to sink in despair, but it is time to realize you serve a God Who can alter the unalterable. When you face those unalterable times, find a place where you can get alone and ask God to alter the unalterable.

Friend, so many stories could be told of the times when God altered the unalterable. Whatever unalterable thing you face today it is not greater than the God Whom you serve. Believe that God can do it. Trust God that He still has the power. This world has yet to see the true power of God unleashed, and that power will only be tapped when the Christian falls upon their knees and starts the process of altering the unalterable.