Another set

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Another Set of Eyes

Numbers 10:31

"And he said, Leave us not, I pray thee; forasmuch as thou knowest how we are to encamp in the wilderness, and thou mayest be to us instead of eyes."

How often have you heard a person say, "Do you need another set of eyes?" While Moses' father-in-law visited his daughter, Moses asked him if he would stay with them so that he could be another set of eyes as they journeyed towards the Promised Land. Apparently, Moses thought very highly of him and wanted his insight as they faced difficult situations.

Throughout life it is wise to have someone to whom you can go to and get another set of eyes. Getting someone else's perspective on decisions is good because many times they have no bearing on the decision being made. Just as important as getting another set of eyes to help you with decisions, likewise it is important to choose the right person to give you their perspective. Choosing the wrong person could cause you to make a decision that you could regret for the rest of your life.

When seeking another set of eyes, choose someone who is a wise person. Don't ask someone their perspective because you know they will tell you what you want to hear. Likewise, don't choose someone because they are your friend. Choosing someone with wisdom is important because their perspective could likely influence the outcome of your decision.

Furthermore, when seeking another set of eyes, choose someone who has already been down the road of life. Getting a perspective from your peers isn't always wise as your peers probably have not faced what you are facing. It isn't necessarily wrong to choose one of your peers for another set of eyes, but be sure that they have been down the road where you are going before you get their opinion.

In addition, choose someone whom you can trust. Trust is very important when getting someone's perspective. You don't want to ask someone their perspective when they have a loose tongue. If you ask someone something, you need for them to be someone who will keep it private. It is wise to ask the person from whom you are getting another perspective to keep it private. If you choose the right person, then you will find this area won't be that big of a problem.

Finally, choose someone with common beliefs. This may be the most important point I can give you. Finding someone with the same philosophy and beliefs is imperative. You don't want to ask someone whose philosophy will guide you away from what is right. Therefore, choose people who are going in the same direction in philosophy and belief to keep you from making a wrong decision.

Everybody will need another set of eyes at some point in their life. Choose those to whom you will go to for their perspective before you are ever faced with a decision. Choosing the right person to give you their perspective will save you from making costly mistakes, and they just may help you to achieve greater heights.