
The Power of a Good Attitude

Daniel 6:3

"Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm."

I'm not sure one could ever discover the total power that a good attitude has, but it is very evident that a good attitude will help a person tremendously. The greatest thing about your attitude is that you are ultimately the one who decides what kind of attitude you will have. Your attitude is not one that is inherited, though your attitude could resemble the good and bad attitudes of your parents, but your attitude is a determined choice.

You must understand that there is a difference between a person's attitude and their personality. Though both are tightly knit, there are great differences. Your personality is a combination of who you are; whereas, your attitude is determined by how you face life and circumstances. Your personality is a combination of your characteristics, but your attitude is your choice of outlook towards your circumstances. Though, in all actuality, both are your choice, your attitude will determine what people think about you more than anything else.

Daniel was promoted to a high political office because of his attitude. The verse above says about Daniel, "Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him;..." You will notice that it was Daniel's attitude that grabbed the king's attention. I'm quite confident that all the men the king looked at to fill a position were intellectual and capable men, but ultimately it was Daniel's attitude that caused him to obtain the coveted position. Yes, I'm sure character played a big role in the matter, and yes, God certainly worked in the king's heart in this matter, but Daniel's attitude is what made the difference.

Your attitude will make or break your potential in life. The power of a good attitude is tremendous. When everything else is equal, your attitude is the one thing that will separate you from everyone else. A good attitude will cause a person of lesser qualifications to be recognized over a person with better qualifications. You can try to overlook the importance of your attitude, but eventually it plays a big role in how far you go in life. If you have a bad attitude, you can expect to be overlooked for many positions that you desire. But, if you will work on having a good attitude, then you will be amazed how far your attitude will take you. I am not trying the minimize the importance of training, but you can have all the training in the world and have a bad attitude, and you will go nowhere.

Christian, your attitude is a choice. You choose how you face circumstances. You can have an attitude that complains and gripes about everything, or you can have a good attitude and see the good in every situation in life. A good attitude mainly comes by determining you will find the good in everything.

A good attitude can help turn a bad marriage into a good one. A good attitude will turn an average position into a great position. A good attitude will turn a gloomy day into a great day. A good attitude will turn a blah personality into a happy personality. Ultimately, it is your choice. I challenge you to constantly work on having a good attitude. Every morning when you get up, ask God to help you have a good attitude towards what you will face, then determine that no matter what you face you will have a good attitude. If you will have a good attitude, you will find that life is truly great and that God has truly blessed you in a great way.