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Belief Opens the Door to Possibility


Mark 9:23

"Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth."

The story from the verse above is about a man who had a child who was controlled by a dumb spirit. This spirit caused this young boy to act like a crazy person. When the spirit would control him, he would foam at the mouth, stop eating, bite himself and even throw himself into a fire. The father of this boy went to Jesus with hopes that He could help. Of course, Jesus is the hope for any problem a person faces in life, and this man came to the right person. The disciples of Christ could not help, but Jesus could. After a short conversation with the father, Jesus cast the spirit out and the boy and his father went home for the first time as a happy family.

A key statement was made to this father about the possibility of his son being healed. The door to this possibility rested in this statement, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." Belief was the door that opened the possibility. However, that statement applies to everyone. The door to the possibility of all things happening is belief. Possibilities will never happen unless you believe. You may currently face many obstacles in your life, but the key to overcoming any obstacle is belief. Let me show you several things to help you accomplish all things.

First, only you can make yourself believe. Notice the statement, "If thou canst believe,..." Belief is in your court. Your preacher can't make you believe, but you must make yourself believe. Your spouse, parent, boss, friend, teacher or leader cannot make you believe. You are the only one who can make yourself believe that all things are possible. You must realize that if God said all things are possible, then all things are possible.

Second, doubt is always in the presence at the door of possibility. The door is belief, but doubt will tell you there is nothing on the other side. The father said in verse 24, "...Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." Though this father believed that Jesus could heal his son, doubt was still present in his heart. Christian, believing does not mean that no doubt will be present. No, according to this verse doubt will still be present when you believe.

Third, whatever you act upon is what will determine the possibility of all things. You can act upon the voice of doubt and not see all things possible, or you can disregard your unbelief and act upon your belief and see all things. It is up to you. You can let the discovery of possibilities waste away by listening to doubt, or you can experience the possibilities by acting upon your belief and go through the door.

The key to all things being possible is action. Action is belief. Belief is acting upon what you think is possible even though doubt still lies within your heart. All things are possible for you, but you must act to see them happen. I don't know what possibilities you face today, but you can allow doubt to keep you from seeing your possibility come to fruition, or you can act upon your belief and take the first step to experiencing that possibility. Don't let your doubt stop you from seeing great possibilities. God has some great things in store for you, but you must believe that they are possible. God can't make you believe, but you must step out and start pursuing your possibility to see it happen. Remember, all things being possible does apply to you if you will believe.