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Burying Your Head

Leviticus 20:4

"And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not:"

Have you ever heard of someone burying their head in the sand? This statement comes from the idea that an ostrich buries its head in the sand thinking that it is safe. However, though its head may be buried in the sand, its whole body is shown and is vulnerable to its enemy's attack. The only thing that is accomplished for this ostrich by burying its head in the sand is a false sense of security that will eventually get it killed.

The verse above says, "And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man,..." God was teaching Israel not to bury their head in the sand when it came to idolatry. God held them responsible for knowing about someone's idol worship and not doing anything about it. It was very important to God that they face reality and not bury their head in the sand. Likewise, you must be careful about burying your head in the sand especially in four areas.

First, don't bury your head in the sand about yourself. There are many Christians who bury their head in the sand about their spirituality only to hurt themselves. If you would be honest with yourself, you would acknowledge that you have some work to do on your spirituality. When you won't be honest with yourself about your spiritual problems, then the only one who you are truly fooling is yourself. You will never change the problems in your life without taking your head out of the sand and facing your problems head on.

Second, don't bury your head in the sand about your family. I find that there are many people who just won't face the reality that their family has problems that need to be corrected. When a school teacher approaches a parent about their child, many parents get upset at the school teacher instead of fixing the problem. When church members approach their pastor with a good attitude about problems with his children who are on staff, I have watched many pastors blacklist the church member instead of taking care of the problem with their family. Every family has problems, and until you take your head out of the sand you cannot fix those problems.

Third, don't bury your head in the sand about your church. Christian, you must be careful not to allow liberalism to creep into your church. When liberalism creeps in and you continue to stay because you refuse to accept that your church could be going liberal, then the one's you are hurting the most are you and your family. You should never bury your head in the sand when your church begins to go liberal. Realizing that everyone is capable of going liberal will help you to keep your head from being buried in the sand.

Last, don't bury your head in the sand about your nation. Their are many citizens who bury their head in the sand about their nation's problems by not listening to its nation's problems. It is imperative for a nation to stay right that its citizens are informed about what their government is doing so they can do what they can to keep it from being destroyed.

Burying your head in the sand like an ostrich about any area of your life will only hurt you in the long run. Sure, you may get a false sense of security by doing so, but you cannot change any problems until you face them. Be determined in your life not to be one who buries their head in the sand.