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How Liberals Change Societies


Ezra 2:59

"And these were they which went up from Telmelah, Telharsa, Cherub, Addan, and Immer: but they could not shew their father's house, and their seed, whether they were of Israel:"

A dangerous trend is found in the verse above when it says, "but they could not shew their father's house, and their seed, whether they were of Israel:" Two things that this generation could not do was they could not show from whence they came and how they did things. This may not be important to some, but that is how you change a generation. When people don't know their history, then they don't know the foundations upon which they should stand. History is a great teacher, and history will teach you where you should stand. Likewise, knowing how you do things is important for the fact that your traditions will dictate your direction. The error of the previous generation of those mentioned above is that they did not teach their history or traditions to the next generations.

One of the tactics that liberals use to change a society is to change history. In the United States you can see liberals constantly attacking the history of this great nation. They do it by telling bold face lies about history, even though they know that people won't accept it. However, they don't stop telling their lies, they keep on telling them until a new generation believes the lies about history as truth. Once they successfully change the history, then they start working on the traditions of how we do things. Once they can change history and traditions, then they can change a society's mindset regarding its foundations.

Furthermore, the same tactic that liberals use to change a society is the same tactic that liberals use in Christianity to promote their liberalism. One of the saddest things about most Christians is that they don't know anything about their history. Because they don't know anything about their history, liberals can say anything they want and most people will accept it as truth.

In order to keep from changing who we are we must learn our history. The first things liberals attack is the foundational documents and their validity. Satan did this in the Garden of Eden when he questioned the Word of God. Liberals do this today when they attack the Constitution of the United States. Likewise, there are those in Christianity who attack the King James Bible and Its accuracy. Each of these are the foundational documents of America and Christianity. Christian, you need to learn your history concerning the Constitution and the King James Bible. It may not be exciting, but if we allow these to be attacked and changed, then liberalism will have its agenda engraved in the hearts of the next generation.

Second, don't let our traditions be changed. The way liberals change traditions is through attacking great men of history. Liberals will attack the character and accomplishments of great men. This is why its important for you to know the untainted history. If you know your history, then you will know the character of great men and the truth about their accomplishments.

Last, be sure to teach the next generation the truth about our history and traditions. Teach them about the Constitution and the King James Bible. Teach them the principles that are taught in each of these. Teach them about the great men of history, their accomplishments and how they stood for truth. Teach them about the sacrifice of the patriots. Don't let your children and those whom you influence be ignorant about our history.

If history and traditions are changed, then America and fundamentalism as we know it will never be the same. Do your part in carrying on the history and traditions by not being lazy and learning about these yourself, and then teach them to the next generation.