
Chosen and Faithful

Revelation 17:14

"These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful."

What if this was the day of Armageddon and you were part of the armies of God. Would God have the capability of calling you chosen and faithful? Though we still live in the day of grace, we must realize that God is still in a war with Satan, and He needs His children to be a part of the army that helps to fight in this great battle. You will see that when God looks for those whom He can use to fight in the battle of Armageddon, He says that they must be "...chosen, and faithful." These qualities are still needed in this day, and Christians need to realize their importance in fulfilling their role.

First, let me remind you that you are chosen by God. John 15:16 says, "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you."Christian, God chose you to serve Him before you were ever born. Does this mean that there is no choice in who gets saved? Not at all! God is simply reminding us that everyone on this Earth was created to serve Him.

God chose you by creating your life. What a privilege it is to be chosen by the God of the Universe to serve Him. This calling is higher than making money. This calling is higher than pursuing some position in the work force. This calling is higher than having possessions. The calling for every Christian to be a part of the army of God is a great calling. You were made with the purpose of serving God, and you should do everything in your power to fulfill that purpose. Don't let bitterness, sin, jealousy or any other thing pull you away from fulfilling the role of why God placed you on this Earth. Realize that you were chosen by God.

Furthermore, God needs you to be faithful in what He has called you to do. The reason God chose these to fight with Him in the battle of Armageddon is because He could depend on them. God was not concerned with them quitting on Him while He was in the heat of the battle. He knows that those who will be in His army can be depended upon because they are faithful.

If you want God to use you in a great way then you need to be faithful with all that He gives you to do. If God gives you the duty of cleaning the toilets in your church, then be faithful to clean the toilets. If God gives you the job of greeting people as they come through the doors of your church, then be faithful to greet people. You may think that your job is insignificant and of no importance, but God is seeing if you will be faithful. Luke 19:17 says, "And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities." God always tests His children with the small things before He blesses them with bigger things. He wants to see if they will be faithful with the "little" before He gives them the big.

Christian, are you faithful to God with everything for which you are responsible? Are you dependable to be there day in and day out, or are you one of those who are hit and miss with your service to God? God needs your faithfulness because He has a job for you to do. Faithfulness to fulfill the tasks that God has given you in the present is vital to whether He will trust you with bigger things later on in life. When you walk throughout your day, don't ever think that you can let the little things slide, for God is watching to see if you are faithful so He can use you for greater things. Be that Christian whom God says is faithful. When God can depend on you, then He will surely use you for greater tasks.