Revelation 10:1
“And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed
with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it
were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:”
In this verse, John describes another vision. He describes a “mighty angel come down from heaven.”
He had seen other angels, but this angel was different than the others.
I believe that this angel he is describing is Jesus Christ. You see in
this vision that He is clothed with several things, and each description
given reminds us of several things that Jesus is to the Christian.
First, Jesus is a constant presence. It says that He is “clothed with a cloud.”
The cloud is always a symbol of the presence of God. It was the cloud
that led the children of Israel through the wilderness, and it is Jesus
Who is ever present to lead you throughout your day. You never need to
wonder if His presence is near, for He promises to never leave or
forsake you.
Second, Jesus is the promise fulfilled. It says that He is clothed with “a rainbow…upon his head.”
The rainbow was first given to Noah after the flood as a constant
reminder that God would never again destroy the Earth with a flood. The
presence of God alone is a reminder that if God promised He would do
something, then you can count on it being fulfilled. There is not one
promise of God that He will not keep.
Third, Jesus is the ever present guide. It says, “his face was as it were the sun.”
The sun is there to give us light in the day so that we will know where
to go. Friend, if you will yield to God’s guiding hand, then you will
find that He will guide you in every aspect of life. Your answer for
direction in life is found in Jesus Christ. You need not look to others
for guidance, for he will guide you if you will ask and yield.
Fourth, Jesus is the cleansing power. It says, “his feet as pillars of fire:”
Fire is always the purifying agent used to purify gold and silver, but
Jesus is the pillar of fire. In other words, the only hope to overcome
weaknesses in your life is Jesus Christ. That is why it says in 1 John
1:9, “…he is faithful and just…to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
You can't cleanse yourself of the sin in your life. The only One Who
can cleanse you from every sin in life is Jesus Christ. You have hope
that you can overcome those things which so easily beset you, and the
hope is found in Jesus Christ.
Christian, when you look at these four things which clothe Jesus,
you find that He fulfills your every need. Your search for fulfillment
in life is over, and it will only be fulfilled through Jesus Christ.
Stop running to man! Realize that your every need will only be satisfied
through Christ. There is none who can fill every need of your life like
Jesus can. He’s there when you’re all alone. He’s dependable when
others have forsaken you. He guides when you have no direction. He
cleanses the deepest problems you have in life. I simply want to remind
you that whatever your need is today, that need can only be filled in
Jesus Christ.