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Dealing with a Condemning Heart


1 John 3:20

"For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God."

In the verse above, John talks about Christians having a condemning heart. Though many times people feel that a condemning heart is more of a present day problem, we can see from the Scriptures that people from all ages have had this problem of dealing with a condemning heart.  This is because sin is an every person problem.  Sin has existed since the Garden of Eden, therefore you will have people who have a condemning heart. Dealing with your condemning heart will determine whether or not you have the confidence needed to serve the LORD.

Let me first of all remind you that the past is the past.  Too many people let their past beat them up when they need to remember that they cannot undo the past. One sad thing about life is that there is no reset button. Once you have done something, you will have to live with that action for the rest of your life.  You can't undo what you have done, so stop letting your past condemn you. What you need to do is move on and start doing right.

Second, every action has consequences. If you don't want your heart to condemn you, then you need to realize that every action has consequences.  There are consequences to being unfaithful to your spouse.  There are consequences to quitting on God.  There are consequences to surrendering to temptation. If you don't want to have a condemning heart, then stop doing those things that the consequences are condemning.

Third, you might not have to live with people, but you have to live with your heart.  Many people think that they can do something and no one will ever find out.  Well, you might be right about no one finding out, but the problem is that your heart will know what you have done.  You may do wrong with someone else and never see them again, but you will have to live with your heart for the rest of your life.

The only answer to dealing with a condemning heart is God and His Word.  If you will start listening to God and doing what His Word commands you to do, then you can silence your condemning heart. Doing right has a way of quieting the condemning heart.

According to the verse above, the result of an uncondemning heart is confidence.  You will never have the confidence you need to serve God until your heart stops condemning you. It is amazing how confident you will become in the Christian life when you start doing right. You will have confidence to teach God's Word.  You will have confidence as a soul winner.  You will have confidence as you walk through life.  Confidence will be natural because you will know that what you are doing is right.

Christian, my desire for you is that you live a confident life because your heart doesn't condemn you, but it commends you.  Always remember that you have to live with your heart, so only do the things that will cause your heart to commend your actions. Be careful today, and every day, to do those things that you won't regret years down the road.