Do electric cars cause ...

The Tesla was once championed as a zero-emission vehicle, the green dream car of the future. But now investors are looking green around the gills. The Ifo Institute for Economic Research, a German think tank, revealed that when battery production is included, co2 emissions from Tesla and other electric cars exceed those of diesel-powered cars. Driving a Tesla Model 3, for example, produces 156 to 181 grams of co2 per kilometer, versus 141 grams per kilometer for a Mercedes C-Class. You have to lay down some serious green to buy a Tesla ($76,000+) — yet the U.S. continues to green light tax breaks of up to $7,500 per vehicle to Tesla and other electric car makers, according to The Daily Caller.

Let’s face it, you have to be more than a little green to have believed this green fairy tale in the first place. Smug leftist elitists championed the Tesla because Elon Musk was heralded as the savior of the green tech industry, and they wanted to make others green with envy while they pretended to care about the planet. A Wall Street Journal editorial compared the study’s findings to the “false promises about corn and cellulosic ethanol.” So why on God’s green earth are we still subsidizing all this horse excrement?

From the Limbaugh Letter June 2019