Don't Limit God

Don't Limit God

Mark 6:41

"And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all."

Have you ever driven a vehicle that someone put a limit on how fast it can go? There is nothing more frustrating than having the power to go faster, but not being able to do so because someone limited the power. When a limiter is placed on a vehicle, then it wastes the power that the engine is able to produce.

Humans are negative and doubtful by nature. It is rare to find someone who does not put a limit on their dreams or on what God can do. Often, when a person steps out and attempts something great, the naysayers begin to speak up and try to diffuse the energy of the one who is attempting great things for God.

Jesus had been teaching all day. The people were tired and hungry, and they needed something to eat. The disciples lack of faith in God's power caused them to tell Jesus to send the people away so that they could get something to eat. Instead of sending the people away, Jesus responded by saying, "Give ye them to eat." Jesus knew what He was going to do. Jesus knew that feeding five thousand people was not going to be too hard for Him. But, in order for the five thousand to be fed, the disciples had to obey what Jesus told them to do even when they couldn't see how it could be done. Because the disciples obeyed Jesus' command, five thousand people saw Jesus feed them with five loaves of bread and two fishes.

Imagine if the disciples didn't obey Jesus command to get the lunch from the boy? Imagine if the disciples questioned Jesus ability to feed this many people? Imagine if the disciples went against Jesus and simply sent the people home? If they would have done these things, then a boy would not have been blessed by giving his lunch, five thousand people would have gone home hungry, and this story would not be in the Scriptures. For this miracle to happen, the disciples had to obey what Jesus told them to do even when their faith was weak. If the disciples limited Jesus by their doubt, then this miracle would not have taken place.

The only thing that limits the power of God is doubt. When a Christian doubts whether God can do something, then they have put a limit on God's ability to do great works. Yes, God could choose to do everything on His own, but He chooses to do His works through people. The greatest works of God can only be done when people stop limiting what God can do.

The only thing that will keep God from doing something great through your life is doubt. When you doubt whether God can use you, you are limiting Him. When you doubt whether God can save a soul, then you are limiting Him. I have watched many Christians stifle what God could do simply because they let their doubt limit God.

It is normal for doubt to show up when God asks you to do something by faith, but you must not act on the voice of doubt. You must not allow doubt to be the voice of reason in your life. Most of the time when God asks you to do something by faith it will make no sense, but if you will act upon faith and not upon doubt, then God can do great works through you. Be careful about limiting God's power in your life. Don't put a limit on what God can do. If God tells you to do something, then obey His command. God can and will do great things through you if you don't limit Him. Don't waste God's power by limiting Him, but unleash His power by obeying what He tells you to do.