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Spiritual Earplugs


Matthew 21:33

"Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country:"

Your hearing is one of the most important senses that God gave you.  Though every sense is important, no doubt hearing is at the top.  When you can't hear, you will miss many important sounds that you need to hear.    

In the verse above, Jesus made the statement, "Hear another parable..." He made this statement as though He tried to get them to hear and understand other parables before, but for some reason they never really heard what He was trying to say.  Because they didn't hear before, Jesus had to teach "another parable" to these people.  

I find in churches today there are many people who for several reasons do not hear what the preacher is teaching and preaching.  Because they don't hear, the preacher has to preach "another parable" to try and get the same truth across because they didn't get the truth in a previous sermon.  Let me show you several reasons why people don't hear.  

First, people don't hear because they are not there.  It is hard to hear the truth God wants you to hear when you are not in church.  This is why it is important to be faithful to every service.  It might be that one service you miss causes the preacher to have to preach "another parable."  

Second, some don't hear because they don't pay attention. This type of person is there, but their mind is not there. They hear a noise, but they are not really listening to what is being said. They are thinking about what is going to happen after the services or later on that week and miss the truth God wanted them to hear. You must be sure that you pay attention to the preaching, so you don't miss the truth God wants you to hear.  

Third, some don't hear because they are not listening.  This crowd just isn't listening to the preaching. Instead, they are texting or writing notes during the preaching time. They are messing with people around them and missing a truth that could change their life.  When you are in church, you must not allow yourself to do other things while the preacher is preaching.  When he preaches, you need to listen.  

Fourth, some don't hear because of sin.  Sin will deafen your ears to the truth. You can sit there and actually pay attention, but because sin is in your life you will not get the truth God wants you to hear.  Christian, you must take care of your sin. I know I sound like a broken record, but sin will become like spiritual earplugs that will cause you not to hear the truths of God.  

Last, some don't hear because they are unteachable.  This crowd already has their mind made up and it doesn't matter how the truth is presented, they will not hear and change.  When you go to church, stay teachable.  If you think you know everything, then the preacher cannot help you. If you already have your mind made up on the subject before the preacher can present the truth, then you will not hear what God wants you to hear.  

Are you not hearing the truth the first time it is presented to you?  Is God telling your preacher to preach "another parable" because you didn't get it the first time for one of the reasons mentioned above? Take the spiritual earplugs out that are deafening your ears so you can hear the truths of God the first time they are preached.