Enhancing Your Life

1 Corinthians 1:5

"That in every thing ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge;"

One of the main reasons the church of Corinth was so fleshly was because they took their eyes off God and placed them on man.

Paul starts his discourse with this church in this verse to show them exactly where they failed. He said to them, "That in every thing ye are enriched by him..." The reason they allowed fleshly sins in the church was because they took their eyes off Christ. When they took their eyes off Christ, then they lost the benefit of being "enriched by him."

The word "enriched" means to be enhanced or to be made wealthy. Paul was not talking about them being made wealthy financially, but he was talking about their spiritual life being wealthy. Instead, this church was spiritually poor. Why were they spiritually poor? Because they took their eyes of Christ and lost His help to enhance their life. Yet, Paul said that through Christ we are "enriched" in every thing.

First, you will notice that Christ will help enhance your speech. I know right now the "educated" people look at this and think this is foolish, but God's Word said that Christ will enrich them "in all utterance." When you keep your eyes on Christ, you will find that He will guide your conversations. It is interesting to watch a person's conversation change who spends much time in the Scriptures. When you spend time with Christ, He changes your language.

One of the greatest illustrations of this is the Apostle Peter. Reading through the Gospels you see that Peter had a problem with cursing, but after much time with Christ his cursing tongue was cleaned up. God always enhances your ability to speak. He will not only clean up your language, but He will also bring your standard of speaking to a higher level. You will converse on a more knowledgeable basis with Christ's help.

Second, Christ will enhance your knowledge. The verse above clearly states that Christ will enrich you "in all knowledge." You must realize that Christ is the source of all knowledge. Spending time with Christ makes you smarter in every area. The mechanic will have their mechanical skills enhanced by spending time with Christ. The physician will have their medical knowledge enhanced by spending time with Christ. The lawyer and judge will have their judicial knowledge enhanced by spending time with Christ. The computer technician will have their computer knowledge enhanced by spending time with Christ. The educator will have their knowledge enhanced by spending time with Christ. It doesn't matter in what field you work, if you spend time with Christ He will enhance your knowledge in that area.

Furthermore, you must remember that God says He will enrich you "in every thing." That means every area of life is enhanced when you spend time with Christ and keep your eyes on Him. Your marital and family life is enhanced by keeping your eyes on Christ. Your spiritual life will be enhanced by spending time with Christ. No matter what you do, Christ enhances every area of life.

Christian, don't forget to ask Christ to help you in every thing you do. When you drive down the road, ask Christ to help you. When you cook a meal, ask Christ to help you. When you study for a test, ask Christ to help you. Whatever you do, Christ will make everything you do better if you will keep your eyes on Him. The secret to making your life better is to keep your eyes on Christ.