Eye trouble?

Correcting Eye Trouble

Job 31:1

"I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?"

The eye is certainly an important part of the body. The eye can keep you from danger. The eye allows you to enjoy seeing the beauty of creation. The eye can perceive the emotions on someone's face. The eye makes it easier to read a book. The eyes are also a part of the beauty of a person. Yet, when the eyes go bad it can certainly change your life.

I have been privileged all these years to have good eyes. It is amazing because everyone in my family has glasses. For many years, and even to this day, people wore glasses to help them to see clearly. Then, I can remember when contacts came out and how many people started wearing them. The contacts made it easier to be more active without the concern of breaking your glasses. Now, they have laser surgery to correct eye problems. It is amazing to hear those who get their eyes corrected talk about how much clearer they can see things.

However, there is an eye trouble that is more serious than your physical eyes, and that is spiritual eye trouble. When your spiritual eyes go bad, it will affect your life. Job understood the importance of the eyes and said that he made a covenant with them so that he would not "think" about a maid. He was saying that he wanted to be careful that he didn't look at a woman indecently because he didn't want it to affect his mind.

It is highly important that you be careful not to allow yourself to see people dressed indecently. In the world of technology in which we live, it is so easy to see things that you should not see. Christian, this will affect your mind. This will affect how you live. Men and women alike need to be careful about seeing people dressed indecently. For instance, be careful about watching people commit sin on the television. Be careful about watching programs that show people dressed indecently. Be careful about going to websites where people are scantily dressed. Whatever your eye sees it will cause your mind to think about it.

Furthermore, married people need to be careful about whom they look at. If you are married, you should never look at the opposite gender with wrong motives. You promised your spouse that you would keep yourself for them and them alone, that includes whom you look at. One of the reasons Job made a covenant with his eyes was so that he would not think about a maid because he was married. Married couples should be careful about looking at someone with wrong thoughts. Make a covenant with your eyes to never look for someone else. Make a covenant with your eyes to think only about your spouse.

Why is this so important? Jeremiah tells us in Lamentations 3:51, "Mine eye affecteth mine heart..." Whatever you look at will affect your heart. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." The heart dictates what you do in life; therefore, it is highly important to protect what your eyes see. If you look at people dressed indecently, it will eventually cause you to commit physical sins. If you look at another person with wonder of sinful intentions, then you will eventually commit those things.

Christian, the best way to correct your spiritual eye trouble is to make a covenant with your eyes not to allow them to see things that are wrong. David said in Psalm 101:3, "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes:..." Make that covenant right now that you will not allow yourself to see things that you should not see. Be careful that your eyes only see the things that would be pleasing to God, your spouse or your parents.