Famous for the Wrong Reason

Ezekiel 23:10

"These discovered her nakedness: they took her sons and her daughters, and slew her with the sword: and she became famous among women; for they had executed judgment upon her."

Fame is highly overrated. Many people think they would want to be famous, but don't understand what comes with it. Sadly, many of those who were famous for the right reason later became famous for the wrong reason.

In the verse above, Ezekiel used two imaginary sisters who were harlots to show Israel what God thought about their sins. The older sisters name was Aholah. She lost her virginity and ruined her name to the point that "she became famous among women." No, she wasn't famous for the right reasons, but she was famous for her infidelity. She was the illustration a mother would use when telling her daughters who not to be like. She became the illustration in every preacher's sermon. She was famous, but for the wrong reason.

In my lifetime I have watched many people who became famous for the wrong reason. I have watched men who were very well known and were respected among men lose the respect because of one sinful action. What they were once known for is only a memory. When they did right, many pastors and parents alike would point their children to that person as an example of what to be like. But, one moment of indiscretion caused them to be famous for the wrong reason. One moment of indiscretion caused them to lose the good name they worked so hard to obtain. Today, if you were to mention their names, even if they have been spiritually restored, their name comes up in a bad light. Whether or not this is right is not the purpose of this devotional, I'm simply trying to show how one indiscretion can cause you to be known for the wrong reason.

Proverbs 22:1 says, "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold." It takes years to build a good name. I like to equate building a good name to building a credit file. You don't build your credit overnight, and neither will you build a good name overnight. Once you have a good name, you need to be sure that you protect it with all of your being.

However, all it takes for you to lose a good name is one moment of weakness. One bad decision can change a good name to a name of ill repute. Just like one bad financial transaction can cause your credit to be marred, one moment of sin will cause you to be known for the wrong reason.

Christian, be very careful with every action and decision. Always remember it's easier to be known for the wrong than it is to be known for good. This may not be fair, but life is not fair. This is why you need to live your life above board, and do right at all times. Don't let expediency, fame, convenience or the flesh guide you and your decisions. Always do everything by principles. Let the Scriptures guide you in all you do. Daily ask God to protect you from the moment of temptation that would cause you to be famous for the wrong reason.

Finally, if you are known for the wrong reason, then you still have time to turn that around. No, you probably will never get that mark off your life, but you can make the mark not as noticeable if you will determine to turn things around. Don't let the actions of the Pharisees discourage you. Ask God to help you make the end of your life better than the moment that caused you to be famous for the wrong reason. Don't give in to the Pharisee, but keep doing right and obeying the Scriptures. Eventually, you can work through the bad name and end your life on topside.