Finding the Faith to Avenge Adversaries

Luke 18:8

"I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"

As Jesus told the parable of the widow and the unjust judge, He wondered aloud if when He came back to take us to Heaven if He would find faith on the Earth. He tells the story of a widow who approached a judge who had no fear of God and didn't care what man thought. This widow lady went to the judge to ask him to avenge her of her adversary. This judge wanted nothing to do with her, yet because she kept on wearying him with her request, he finally gave in and granted her request. In this parable Jesus shows us what it will take for Him to find faith.

First, faith never gives up. Just like this widow kept going to the judge to give her petition, faith continually keeps going even when there seems to be no answer on the horizon. If you give up on your prayers and ambitions quickly, then Jesus will never find your faith and will never answer your prayers. If you want your faith to be found, then you must never give up on what you pursue and ask God.

Second, faith is persistent. This widow lady persistently asked the unjust judge to grant her request. Many times the ones who get their prayers answered the most are not the most spiritual people, they are simply the ones who persistently ask God to grant their request. If you are hit and miss with your requests, then you can be guaranteed that your faith will not be found. There is nothing wrong with continually bringing a request to God. Oftentimes people feel guilty about being persistent with their prayer requests, but God wants to see if your faith is persistent.

Third, faith is strengthened through prayer. This widow's faith didn't lose strength because of her persistence, but it was strengthened through her persistence. This is interesting because you would think that the longer you go without a prayer being answered that your faith will weaken. This is not true. The more you are persistent about bringing your request to God, the more your faith gains strength. The more your faith gains strength, the better chance you have of God finding your faith.

Fourth, faith always believes. This widow kept going to the unjust judge because she believed he would eventually answer her request of avenging her adversary. Friend, you must believe that God will answer your request. Unbelief is the water that quenches the fire of faith. Don't let unbelief take your faith.

Let me ask you, what is your adversary? Maybe your adversary is for God to get you out of your financial struggles. Maybe it is the need for God to bring a family member back to Him. Maybe your adversary is a health issue. I don't know what the adversary is that you face today, but God needs to find your faith before He will avenge your adversary. Don't let go of your faith. If you will keep asking, then God will find your faith and will avenge your adversary.