God Has Rights Too

God's Has Rights Too

Job 1:21

"And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD."

We live in a world where people are always demanding their rights. You have the women's rights groups who demand that women have their equal rights. You have the animal rights groups who demand that animals have rights. You have minority groups who demand their rights. It seems like every group of people demands their rights, however, who is it that demands God rights? You never see a rally where people demand that God has rights too.

Job recognized that God has rights. Most people know the story of Job and know that before heartache hit his life he was a blessed man. According to the Scriptures, he was a man of wealth. He had servants, livestock and real estate. God blessed him with a family that seemed to get along with each other, however, in one day God took most of this away. In just a few hours he lost his oxen, servants, camels, sheep, friends and children. To top all this off, his wife came and told him to curse God so he could die. Yet, despite all this Job realized that God had the right to give them everything he had, and to take it away as well. Job's response to his tragedies is what allowed him to make it through them without saying something foolishly.

We all must realize that God has rights too. When you read the verse above you see the rights of God. There is one part of God's rights that we all enjoy, but it is how we face the other two rights that will ultimately determine how life is enjoyed.

God has a right to give. The verse above says, "...the LORD gave..." We like this part of God's rights. We like it when God gives us financial blessings. We like it when God blesses us with health. We like it when God blesses us with a happy family. We like it when God gives us a home in which to live. We like it when God gives us a job. This is an enjoyable side of God's rights. When God exercises his rights to give you things, then you better take the opportunity to thank Him for what He has given you.

However, God also has a right to take away. The same God Who has a right to give also has a right to take away. We don't like this part of God rights. It is amazing how we become bitter towards God when He exercises His right to take away. The same God Who exercised His rights to give you finances also has a right to take those finances away. The same God Who gives you health also has a right to take your health away. The same God Who gave you a home in which to live, also has a right to take that home away. We must understand that God has the right to take anything away from whomever He chooses.

It is your response to God's third right that determines whether trials help or hurt you. Job said, "...blessed be the name of the LORD." When you can bless the LORD after He has taken away, then that is when trials will produce their greatest benefits in your life. Christian, don't ever forget that God has a right to take away from you whatever He wills. Don't get bitter at God when He exercises His right to take away. Like Job, realize that God has a right to give and the right to take away. When you recognize God's rights by blessing Him, then bitterness will not become a part of your life.