God's Organizational Skills

Matthew 1:17

"So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations."

We often overlook one of the greatest qualities of God, and that quality is His ability to

organize. There should be no doubt that God is the greatest organizer of all time. When you look at how God organized this world in creation, you can easily see that He is a great organizer. When you look at how detailed and intricate the body is, you certainly see God's organizational skills. The verse above, shows how organized God is by dividing generations into sets of fourteen. You should never miss that this is one of God's great skills.

What is sad is how often we run to man to learn organizational skills when the Scriptures are filled with techniques on how to organize. No matter who you are and what you do in life, you need to acquire organizational skills so that you can be the best Christian that you can be. Let me show you some of the things that make God such a skilled organizer.

First, God plans ahead. You must realize from the verse above that God had each of the generations planned before they existed. This was no mistake by God. This was prophesied in the Old Testament. Planning ahead is one of the greatest ways to organize. A home needs to be organized. A life needs to be organized. A church needs to be organized. A business needs to be organized. Anything that is going to be successful must be organized. If you wait until the last minute to do most things, then you are going to find that you are limiting your potential. Planning ahead means that you must stop and think about what needs to be done, and then plan when you are going to do them. If you don't learn to plan ahead, then you are going to find disorganization in whatever you do.

Second, God keeps records. It's interesting that God had a record of each generation. Keeping records will help you organize. You will never know what you need to plan until you have records of what you do. Do you really know what you do on an annual basis? Most people have a hard time planning their day, much less their year. Organizing will only be successful if you have records of what you do and how successful you are at doing those things.

Third, God organized by categorizing. It's interesting that God had three categories in the verse above. You must learn to categorize your organization. For instance, your life can be categorized in personal, family, spiritual and professional. Each of these areas must be planned. Furthermore, each of these categories should be planned according to day, month, quarter and year. Organizing your life in each of these categories will help you to accomplish more.

God is a skilled organizer. If God sees the importance of organizing, then you should strive to be organized. If organization is of God, then disorganization is of the Devil. Don't be guilty of following the Devil's plan, but follow God's plan of organizing so that you can accomplish what God wants you to accomplish in every category of life