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Idolatrous Hearts


Ezekiel 14:3

"Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumblingblock of their iniquity before their face: should I be enquired of at all by them?"

Idolatry is one of the sins which God hates the most. In fact, the very first of the ten commandments is, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." (Exodus 20:3) You would think that everyone would understand the importance of this commandment for God chose this to be the first that He mentioned.  This theme is mentioned throughout the Scriptures and confirmed in Matthew 6:33 when it says, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." God wants and commands everyone to keep Him, and Him alone, as the only One Whom they worship and serve.  

If I told you today that in your church your pastor decided to set up idols on the platform for you to serve, you would be angered.  Yet, though you would be angered by this wicked act, it seems that many Christians couldn't care less about the idols they have set up in their hearts. The verse above says, "Son of man, these men have set up idols in their heart..." You will notice that Israel had not set up any actual idols that you could see or touch, but in their hearts they had set up idols which are just as bad and physical idols.  Though you may not have any physical idols that you worship, let me remind you that an idolatrous heart is just as bad.  

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An idol is anything that would be placed above God.  That is why God says in Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first..." God demands Christians to take away the idols in their hearts.  Let me ask you, do you have any idols set up in your heart?  For instance, if anything else brings more excitement and emotion to you than God, then you have an idolatrous heart.  When you get more emotional over politics, sports, money, job, position, recognition, etc., then you have idols in your heart.  When preachers preach error and you continue to follow them, then you have an idolatrous heart.  If anything is of greater value to you than God, then you have an idolatrous heart.  

You must be careful about the idols that can be set up in the heart. I don't think many set those idols up on purpose, simply over time God is pushed aside for other things.  Perform an honest search on your heart today to see if you have any idols that are set up in your heart. If you are not willing to obey God's Word in every instance, then idols have been set up in your heart.  Be sure that your life is idol free.  Just as physical idols that you can see should anger you, likewise the idols that can be set up in your heart should anger you also.  Be careful that you don't allow anything to become of more importance than God.