
Helpful Hills

Psalm 121:1

"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help."

The Psalmist said that he would get his help from the hills. Hills are often a place of refreshment. They are often hard to climb, but once you are at the top you can find the refreshment that you need. When I look in the Scriptures, I find there are several hills that every Christian needs to climb.

First, there is the hill of Golgotha. Golgotha is the place where our sins were paid. The first hill we need to climb is Golgotha, and you climb this hill by accepting Christ as your personal Saviour. The Word of God is of no value to you without the hill of Golgotha. Have you experienced this hill in your life? Has there been a time when you accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour. This hill is helpful because it is the hill that allows us to skip Hell so that we can go to Heaven.

The second hill that you need in your life is the hill of Mt. Sinai. This is the place where Moses received the first five books of the Bible. In other words, you get your help everyday by spending time in the Word of God. This hill is what will give you your spiritual nourishment for the day. This hill is where you find the answers for your life. Without this hill you will become spiritually undernourished. Christian, you must visit this hill everyday of your life so that you can let God's Word guide you throughout your day.

The third hill that you need in your life is the hill of Mt. Carmel. This is the place where Elijah prayed fire down from Heaven to consume the altar. This is the hill where the four hundred prophets of Baal were killed. Every Christian needs the power of God. You don't get this power from man, but you get it from God. You will never be the Christian God intends for you to be without having His power on your life. How do you get this power? Elijah saw it through prayer. You must spend time daily in prayer if you want the help of God's power on your life.

The fourth hill that you need in your life is the hill of Mt. Moriah. This is the place where Abraham took Isaac to give him as a sacrifice to God. In other words, every Christian needs a time in their life when they will be willing to sacrifice everything they have for the cause of Christ. There must come a time when there is nothing in your life that God cannot have. Have you experienced this hill yet? This is the hill when God becomes number one in your life. When God becomes the One Whom you seek first, then you will see God's blessings in a great way. Christian, you must visit the Mt. Moriah of your life and be willing to give God anything He wants if you want God to use you.

The last hill that you need in your life is the hill of Transfiguration. This is the hill where Jesus was transfigured into His glorified body in front of the three disciples. You need the hill in your life where God changes you into His image. It is on this hill where God begins the great works through your life. Though you will still live in your body of flesh, you need God to transfigure you into His image so that this world can see Christ through you.

Have you visited these hills? It is at these hills where you get your help for the Christian life. Instead of lifting your eyes to the world and man to get your help, lift your eyes to these hills to get your help. These hills are where you will find the help you need to live the Christian life on a daily basis.