Genesis 15:1
"After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward."
Abram had obeyed God and stepped out by faith and left his father's house. Abram did not know where this journey of faith would lead, all he knew was that God was going to make of him a great nation. It did not take long on this journey of faith before he faced his first battle.
Lot and his herdsmen were not getting along with Abram's herdsmen, so they decided to separate. Not long after they separated Lot was taken captive. Even though Abram had separated from Lot, that did not stop his love for his nephew. So, he went to war and delivered him. It was after those two battles when God said to Abram, "Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield..."
This promise that God gave to Abram is also for every Christian who decides to live by faith. To know that God is on your side when the battles come your way is not only comforting, but it is also assuring. There are three things this promise does not mean, but one thing it does mean that will be very helpful to you.
First, it does not mean that you won't have battles. Whenever you step out by faith and obey God's commands, you had better get ready for the battles to come. The Devil never likes it when God's people step out by faith, and he will do all that he can to defeat them. A great work is about to happen when God's people step out by faith. When you step out by faith, you must expect the battles to come.
Second, it does not mean that the battle will be pleasant. You can't pick and choose which battle you are going to fight. The Devil fights dirty, and you must realize that those battles will be unpleasant and unfair. I have never liked one battle that has come my way, but I've had to fight them. Likewise, the battles you face in your life will be unpleasant and unfair. They will come from directions you never imagined. They will come from people you do not know. The Devil will be sure to make your battle unpleasant.
Third, it does not mean that you won't be shot at. God is your shield for a reason. You wouldn't need a shield if the shots of the Devil didn't get close. You need a shield because the shots of the Devil will be coming directly towards you. You will hear the sound of the shots all around you in this battle, but you must not despair.
Fourth, this verse does mean that the enemy's attack won't hurt you. They may be shooting to kill, but God is your shield. The comfort this should bring to every Christian is tremendous. Because God is your shield, He will never fail in warding off the shots of the enemy. As long as you stay behind the shield, you will be fine.
Friend, let this thought encourage you in the battles. When the battle starts it can seem like you may go under, but God is your shield and He will protect you from every attack. This means that you are on the winning side. Don't run and hide from the battle. The battle simply means you are doing right, but with God's help as your shield the battle will not overtake you but you will overtake the battle.