John 4:23
"But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him."
For about a decade, I took a group of young people out every summer to represent a Bible college. The purpose of going out with this group was to recruit young people who were seeking to go to Bible college. We were scouts for the college, seeking young people who had a desire to serve the LORD full-time or who had a desire to learn more about the ministry so they could go back to their home church and help their pastor in the ministry.
Jesus made it clear that He was a scout. He did not come to Earth to seek His own will, but He came to Earth to seek His Father's will. The will which the Father seeks is made clear in the verse above when Jesus says, "...for the Father seeketh such to worship him." This is the type of Christian for which Jesus sought, and He still seeks that type of Christian today. What is this type of Christian for which the Father seeks?
First, He seeks the type of Christian who worships Him "in spirit." What does this mean to worship God "in spirit"? It carries a couple of meanings. God is seeking the type of Christian who will serve Him by faith. When you worship God by faith, you are worshipping Him "in spirit." God desires a Christian who is willing to walk by faith and not by sight. This is a true worshipper. True worship is not holding up your hands with a worship team as they sing, but true worship is someone who is willing to step out by faith and follow God's will for their life. This will is not always going to be easy to follow, because this will oftentimes will require someone to live by faith and trust God. This is true worship!
Moreover, worshipping God "in spirit" is also have a good spirit while you serve the LORD. It is a great thing to live by faith, but having a good spirit while you live by faith is better. God seeks those Christians who have a good spirit about serving Him. They are not serving Him because "they have to," but they are serving Him because it's a privilege to do so and they are doing it with a good spirit. Friend, the true worshipper is one who lives by faith and doesn't complain about having to do so. It's a privilege to get to live by faith and serve the LORD.
Second, God seeks the type of Christian who worships Him "in truth." This is the type of Christian who will not compromise what they believe for the sake of crowds. You will never please God by letting down your standards for the sake of a greater ministry. God seeks the Christian who will stand true to the Word of God without compromise. He seeks the one who will not change for the sake of one's conscience or culture. He seeks the Christian who will serve Him whether it is popular or not; whether it is trendy or out-of-date; whether it is acceptable or unacceptable according to the day's opinions.
Are you the type of Christian God seeks? The true worshipper will live by faith and have a good spirit about doing so, and they will never compromise for the sake of acceptance. I encourage you to be that type of Christian for which God seeks. If you will be this type of Christian, then you will be the type of Christian who pleases God.