It Wasn't So Bad After All

Hosea 2:8

"For she did not know that I gave her corn, and wine, and oil, and multiplied her silver and gold, which they prepared for Baal."

God used the marriage of Hosea to show the house of Israel how bad their sins were to Him. Hosea's marriage was certainly a different one in that he married a woman of the streets. Though this is not the ideal situation for any marriage, it was the situation that God commanded of Hosea so that it could be used as an illustration to those to whom he preached.

One of the mistakes Hosea's wife made was that she was always looking for something better. The verse above is the result of her leaving her husband. After being away from Hosea and not having the blessings that he provided, she realized that being married to him wasn't that bad after all. After all, he provided "corn, and wine, and oil, and multiplied her silver and gold." She forgot that Hosea worked hard to make sure that she had food on the table. She didn't realize how special the times of fellowship were. She forgot that Hosea always made sure the bills were paid. Once she left him she realize it wasn't so bad after all.

One of the greatest mistake married couples make is that they don't realize what they have until they are gone. Many married couples think that someone else could be better, but they don't realize how good they had it until their spouse has left them for another or in death. They realize once it is too late that it wasn't so bad after all.

Let me remind you that you truly don't have it that bad. If your husband is putting food on the table, you truly don't have it so bad. If your wife is cooking your meals each night, you truly don't have it so bad after all. We tend to forget the trivial things that we do every day like having the food supplied and prepared which should never be taken for granted. Every time you eat a meal, you should thank God for your spouse.

Moreover, if the bills are being paid, you truly don't have it so bad after all. Ladies, your husband may not bring in millions of dollars, but he works hard to be sure the bills are paid. Men, your wife could really make it hard on you to work your job and move up if she constantly complained about you being gone. I'm saying that when the bills are paid, you don't have it so bad after all.

Furthermore, the time you have together is truly better than you realize. You will not realize how good your times of fellowship were until they are gone. You won't realize how much you laughed and talked together until you are sitting in an empty house. Be careful that you don't take your time of fellowship for granted.

Something else you should not take for granted are the children you have. Hosea's wife had children who loved her because of Hosea. You should thank God for your spouse every time you look at your children. Children are a blessing from God, and your spouse had a part in you having children.

Let this devotional be a friendly reminder that you don't have it so bad after all. Don't take what you have for granted, but cherish the "trivial" things that you enjoy on a daily basis. Also, if one of these areas are lacking in your marriage, then let this devotional be the catalyst that causes you to make that area stronger. Whatever you do, don't take what you have for granted.