Loving as Jesus

John 13:34

"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another."

Jesus had just finished the Last Supper with the disciples. He knew what was about ready to happen. He knew that Judas would betray Him. He knew that Peter would deny Him. He also knew that the rest of the disciples would struggle with Peter's denial, so He wanted to make sure they learned to love as He did. He commanded the disciples to love as He loved so that those who hurt Him would not be pushed aside; rather, they would be given another opportunity to either get saved or to be accepted by other Christians.

It seems one of the most difficult things for Christians is to continue to love people when they have either hurt us or someone we loved. Christians are quick to cast someone aside who has fallen in sin, when Jesus still loves them and wants to love them back to usefulness. There are several lessons being taught when Jesus said that He wanted us to love one another "as I have loved you."

First, Jesus is saying that He wanted us to love others for Him. In other words, be the physical replacement of Jesus to others. Certainly, Jesus loves the world, but the world doesn't live by faith, they live by sight, so they need to see someone love them like Jesus does. That is where you come into place. Jesus wants you to be that person who loves people for Him.

Second, Jesus is teaching not to make your love performance based. Jesus doesn't love us based on our performance; rather, He loves us because He chooses to love us. You must be careful that your love is not based on someone's performance. In other words, don't love someone because of what they can do for you. The love of Christ will cause you to love others when they can't do anything for you.

Third, Jesus is teaching that we should love others into a new creature. In other words, love people to where you want them to grow. Jesus loves us from where we are to where He wants us to be. Likewise, you should love people from where they are. If you wait to love someone till they are what they should be, then you will never love them. Not only should your love not be performance based, but it should not be position based either. A godly love will love people no matter where they are or what they are doing. It doesn't mean we are approving of their sin or where they are spiritually, but they still need to be loved. This type of love is what moves people to change their lives.

Fourth, Jesus is teaching to love people by laying your life aside. The love of Jesus caused Him to give His life for the world; likewise, if you are going to love like Jesus then you must be willing to set your life aside to help people. Love is not always convenient. There are times when you are going to have to stop what you are doing to help someone in their time of need. If you only love when it is convenient to love, then you will never love. Love is inconvenient, and it will call upon you at times to cause you to have to stop what you are doing to help others.

Do you love others as Jesus? It is the love of Jesus that changes lives. You will never influence others or see people grow in the LORD until you start loving as Jesus loves.