Missing Out on God's Blessings

Hebrews 3:12

"Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God."

The children of Israel missed out on the greatest blessings of God because they would not by faith obey God's command to go into the Promised Land.

For forty years they wandered, complained, murmured and many died because they doubted what God said He would do through them. It is sad that they missed out on forty years of God's blessings. We will never know what blessings God had for them had they obeyed and went forward into the Promised Land.

It is sad to say that most of us miss out of God's blessings just like the children of Israel. It is easy to sit in judgment as we look back at them and understand that God did come through and brought them into the Promised Land, but God also has a Promised Land for us and we must claim it by faith or else we also will miss out on God's blessings. God shows us in Hebrews 3 the one step a person takes that causes them to miss out on His blessings.

The one step they took was not believing God's promise. Notice it says in the verse above, "lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief..." What kept the children of Israel from going into the Promised Land? Unbelief! It wasn't the giants of the land that kept them from experiencing God's blessings. It wasn't the huge walls that prevented them from enjoying God's blessings. It wasn't the iron chariots that hindered God's blessings. Though these were their excuses, the reason they missed out on God's blessings was because they didn't believe God.

What are the excuses you have used to disobey the will of God? In God's will are His blessings, and if you choose to use an excuse to camouflage your unbelief, then you are choosing not to have God's blessings on your life. Your unbelief in God's Word is the only thing preventing you from His blessings.

A person's unbelief that God will bless them if they will tithe is the only thing keeping them from His blessings. The unbelief that God could use you to win someone to Christ is the only thing keeping you from His blessings. The unbelief that prevents you from going forward into God's will for your life is the only thing keeping you from experiencing His blessings.

Friend, God's blessings will only be experienced when you live the life of faith and obey. The Book of Hebrews is all about living the life of faith, and the children of Israel missed out on God's blessings because of their lack of faith. Verse 19 says, "So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief."

I ask you, what is preventing you from entering your Promised Land? Always remember that the reason you are not experiencing God's blessings is never His fault, but yours. Unbelief in what God tells us to do is what turns off His blessings.

I encourage you to always obey God's voice. I know at times you may not see how it will work, but you always have to obey God to receive His blessings. There have been many times in my life when God wanted me to do something and it seemed impossible, but every time I obeyed I received His blessings. Likewise, God's blessings are waiting for you, but you must plug your ears to the voice of unbelief and step out by faith and obey God. When you do this, you will see God's blessings begin to pour out on your life.