No Restraint

1 Samuel 14:6

"And Jonathan said to the young man that bare his armour, Come, and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that the LORD will work for us: for there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few."

The children of Israel were holed up in the battle, and it seemed as though there was no way out of defeat against the Philistines.

Jonathan and his armour bearer found themselves within eyeshot of the Philistines, and he told the young man who bare his armour to go with him to fight against the Philistines. Jonathan believed that the LORD was great enough to defeat this heathen army. He said, "...for there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few." Jonathan understood that he was the only one who could restrain the LORD.

The word "restraint" means, to hold back. Jonathan was saying that there is nothing holding the LORD back from defeating the Philistines. As I study this passage, I find there are four areas where Jonathan would not put a restraint on the LORD.

First, he would not restrain the LORD from working in his life. He said in the verse above, " may be that the LORD will work for us..." He expected the LORD to work in his life. The only one who will keep the LORD from working in your life is you. You must realize that the LORD truly desires to do a great work through you. Don't restrain the LORD from working through you. It really doesn't matter what others think about you for the LORD can take your life and do a great work through it.

Second, he would not restrain the LORD to save him out of trouble. Notice it says, "...there is no restraint to the LORD to save..." Jonathan understood that he might be getting himself into trouble, but he also understood that the LORD could save him if needed. If you will step out by faith and do the LORD's work, you will find the LORD will gladly save you from any trouble you get into. The LORD saved Peter when he stepped out of the boat, and the LORD will save you when you step out and not restrain Him from working.

Third, he would not restrain the LORD from conquering the enemy. If Jonathan would've held back, he would not have conquered the enemy. I don't know who your enemy is, but the LORD is capable of conquering it. If your enemy is a besetting sin, the LORD is capable of conquering it. If your enemy is a bad attitude, the LORD is capable of conquering it. If your enemy is a vice, the LORD is capable of conquering it. God is capable of conquering any enemy.

Fourth, he would not restrain the LORD from fulfilling a vision. The servant said to Jonathan, "Do all that is in thine heart..." Friend, the LORD can certainly help you fulfill whatever vision you have. Don't restrain the LORD from helping you see your vision come to reality. The only thing keeping you from seeing your vision come to reality is you not stepping out.

You must always understand that the only thing that will restrain the LORD from doing what He desires to do is for you not to step out by faith in these areas. Don't restrain the LORD in your life. Don't hold Him back from doing great things through you. Don't restrain God and you can watch Him work in these four areas of your life.