
An Original Replica

Ezekiel 16:44

"Behold, every one that useth proverbs shall use this proverb against thee, saying, As is the mother, so is her daughter."

Several years ago my wife and I had the privilege of touring a border town in Mexico. While in this area, she and I went to the market to see what we could bring back as souvenirs. It was humorous to hear the vendors talk about how their goods were the real thing. We saw fancy watches and purses, and each vendor swore that they were the real thing. Yet, when you looked a little closer, you found out that they were just a replica. They were a copy of the real thing.

God used a proverb to describe Jerusalem that said, "As is the mother, so is her daughter." This proverb was not a fairy tale story, but it was the truth. In other words, God used a proverb that was truthful to show His people what they had become.

A daughter is often a replica of her mother. This does not take away from the originality of an individual, but it is the truth. Most young ladies will become like their mother. How often have you seen a young lady who reminded you of her mother? This proverb should teach you several lessons.

First, every mother needs to beware of what she is teaching her daughter. You may not think your daughter is watching you, but I can assure you she is. There are many mothers who think they can shame their daughters away from their bad habits, but your daughter will learn from your actions more than she will from your words. With that thought in mind, what is your daughter learning from you? Would you want your daughter to turn out like you? Ladies, if there is something in your life that you would not want your daughter to do, then you need to change it. You need to live your life in such a manner that you wouldn't be ashamed if she turned out like you.

Second, every daughter needs to learn the importance of copying the right things. Just because your mother does something does not mean that you should do it. If your mother does something that is wrong, then you should not copy it; however, you should copy those things in your mother that are worthy of copying.

Third, single young ladies should live their lives in a manner as if they were a mother. You will most likely become a mother someday; therefore, you should realize that you will be what you are right now. You won't change your bad habits just because you become a mother. Now is the time to work on changing the bad habits in your life so that when you become a mother your daughter has something worthy of copying.

Fourth, young men should take a good look at a young lady's mother before marrying her. I say this guardedly, but whomever you are dating will most likely have many characteristics of her mother. A lady's mother will often show you what a young lady will become when she gets married. Though this isn't always the case, many times it is. This is why it is important for a young man to get to know the mother of the young lady he is dating.

Finally, let me encourage every parent to be careful what they are teaching their children. Though this proverb was about the mother and daughter, I believe the same can be said about the father and son. You should live your life in such a manner that you would not be ashamed of your children copying you when they are adults.