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Overcoming Unbelief

Hebrews 3:19

"So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief."

One of the greatest sins that a Christian can commit against God is the sin of unbelief. Unbelief is calling God a liar. Unbelief is saying that God's Word is not true. According to the verse above, it was unbelief the kept the Children of Israel from being able to go into the Promised Land. God promised them while they were in Egypt that He would take them into the Promised Land. However, their trust in Egypt's strength sowed unbelief in their hearts concerning whether or not God could actually deliver them. Because of their unbelief, many died in the wilderness, and many were made to wander for forty years in that same wilderness.

Overcoming unbelief is imperative if you are going to experience God's blessings to their fullest. God cannot bless unbelief. In fact, it is unbelief that will keep you from seeing God do great works in your life. It was the unbelief of the people where Jesus was born that kept them from seeing His miracles. Likewise, your unbelief will keep you from seeing God do miraculous things in your life. So how do we overcome unbelief?

First, don't listen to the naysayers. In verse 12, God shows us that the naysayers influenced Israel and kept them from believing. Don't spend time with people who are always negative. Don't spend time with people who always say it can't be done. The naysayers negativity will rub off on you and will keep you from experiencing the great miracles of God.

Second, keep your heart soft. In verse 8, God said that the Children of Israel had hearts that were hardened. That means you must do your best to keep a soft heart so that unbelief will not rule you. In other words, keeping a soft heart implies that your heart is teachable. Never get to the point in your Christianity where you think you know it all and have seen it all. If you get to this point in your Christianity, then your heart will be hardened and you will not see the great works of God.

Third, spend time with people of faith. In verse 13, God says to "exhort one another daily." You need to spend time with people who are not afraid to step out by faith. When you spend time with those who consistently step out by faith, then it will build your faith. When they step out by faith it challenges you to do the same. Find those people who consistently step out by faith and do great things for God, and spend time with them.

Fourth, remember God's past works. In verse 9, we learn that Israel forgot to remember God's works of the past. Likewise, when you experience unbelief, you need to go back to the past and remember what God had done for you. This rebuilds your faith and belief that God can and will work through you.

Last, trust God. The best way to drive away unbelief is to believe. Don't listen to your flesh, but listen to the Spirit of God. Though the voice of unbelief will always be present, you must listen to the silent voice of God and step out. It takes courage, but you will never experience God's great blessings until you trust Him.

What is your unbelief keeping you from doing? There is something in your life right now that you have not done because of your unbelief. I challenge you to step out and trust God in that area. If God laid something on your heart to do, then silence the unbelief by stepping out. God can only work when you stop listening to unbelief and step out by faith on His Word and promises.