
Overcoming Circumstances

2 Corinthians 4:8

"We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;"

The verse above is the beginning of several amazing verses concerning overcoming adverse circumstances. There are a few people in the Scriptures who faced many adverse circumstances who we all should study to see how they overcame them, and the Apostle Paul is one of those characters. When you look at Paul's life, you don't see a person who complained about his circumstances; rather, you see a person who overcame every circumstance that he faced.

Paul said he faced troubles on every side. Problems were everywhere, but he said he was not distressed. In other words, he was not anxious about how he would get through them. He said that he was perplexed, or completely baffled, but he did not live in despair. He kept hope while he was baffled about all that came his way. He was persecuted or harassed by enemies who wanted him silenced, but he did not feel that he was forsaken or abandoned in life. He said that there were times when he was cast down, or down for the count, but he did not feel like he was destroyed or ruined. These statements are amazing in that no matter what circumstance came Paul's way, he found a way to overcome them. The same way that Paul overcame his circumstances is the same way you are going to have to face your circumstances if you want to overcome them.

First, Paul overcame his circumstances with a good attitude. In spite of everything he faced, he always had a good attitude. I cannot stress enough how important attitude is to everything you face. I'm sure there were times when Paul had to give his attitude an adjustment, but the majority of the time he kept a good attitude. You will never overcome your circumstances with a bad attitude. If you are one who always has a bad attitude, then you need to let the Word of God give you an attitude adjustment so that you can keep a good attitude through all of your circumstances.

Second, Paul kept a right perspective. Verse 18 shows us that Paul did not look at the temporal, instead he looked at the eternal. In other words, he didn't see the negative in life. He always looked to the other side. I get weary of trying to help people look see the other side of every circumstance. There are some who all they ever see is the negative. Christian, there is always another side to every circumstance. Train yourself to see the positive side instead of the negative.

Third, Paul kept his purpose in focus. Verse 10 shows us that Paul never lost his purpose of what he was doing. You must keep the purpose of your life in focus or else the circumstances will overcome you. Keep your focus of why you are in the ministry. Keep your focus of why you are serving God. Keep your focus of why you serve in the church ministry. Keep your focus on the fact that you are trying to help people turn their lives around for Christ.

Fourth, Paul never lost hope. Verse 14 shows us that Paul always kept the hope that Jesus is coming again. The one thing that will help you overcome every adverse circumstance you face is that Jesus is coming again. All heartache and sorrow will one day be gone. That day is soon! Keep focused on the fact that Jesus will come again.

How you face your circumstances highly dictates how much God can use you. I don't know about you, but I want God to use me in a mighty way. Circumstances can either be obstacles to block you from God using you, or they can be the springboard for God to use you in a great way. Let these four areas help you to make your adverse circumstances the springboard for God to mightily use you.