Requirements to Conquer

Numbers 1:2
“Take ye the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel, after their families, by the house of their fathers, with the number of their names, every male by their polls;”

God wants the Christian to be a conqueror. He does not want us to going through life meandering about doing nothing. God has given us His power so that we can conquer on a daily basis. The verse above is the beginning of several verses where God prepared Israel to go into Canaan and conquer it. There are several requirements found in this chapter that shows us what it takes to be a conqueror.

First, be ready for war. God wanted Moses to number the people who were “able to go forth to war.” If you are going to be a conqueror in the Christian life then you are going to have to realize that we are at war with the Devil. You cannot go about the Christian life and think that you are not going to have to fight. Please realize that you can’t saunter about in the Christian life and think that the war the Devil has declared against you won’t come to your doorstep. Let me be clear, it will come to your doorstep. You are at war, and the sooner you realize this the quicker you will start conquering.

Second, know your pedigree. In verse 18, God wanted each family to declare their pedigrees. If you are going to be a conqueror for Jesus Christ then you are going to have to be secure in your salvation. You will never conquer when you question if you are saved. Friend, you need to remove all doubts about your salvation. If you have doubts, get them settled. The Christian who can declare their pedigree, that they are a child of God, without reservation is the Christian who will have the confidence to conquer.

Third, know that you don't have to conquer alone. There were thousands of people who were numbered in this chapter. Each person numbered was going to be a help in conquering Canaan. You must realize that there are many Christians who are at your side to help you be a conqueror. You don't have to try and conquer alone. Don't acquire a martyr syndrome that thinks you are the only one who is doing right. There are many people who are conquering with you. You are not alone in this battle against Satan.

Fourth, be fit for the battle. God talked about numbering every man that was “able” to go to war. You will never be fit for the battle by carrying the sins of the world with you. You must lay aside those sins and weights that will hinder you in this battle if you want to be a conqueror. The Christian soldier must not allow themselves to be sidetracked by the sins that easily beset them. If you want to be a conqueror, you are going to have to be victorious over your sin.

Fifth, keep your walk with God regular. The Levites were to keep the “charge” of the tabernacle. The conquering Christian is one who closely guards their walk with God and is careful not to let it slip out of their daily schedule. You will never conquer without a daily walk with God in His Word and in prayer.

Friend, there is no reason you cannot be a conqueror. These instructions will enable you to be a conqueror if you will follow them. Start your conquering journey today. God has given the instructions to conquer; it’s simply what you do with those instructions that will determine your results.