Starting Your Day Off Right ​

Genesis 1:1
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

Having a good day can be an every day occurrence if you start your day off right. I am not saying that you won’t have any problems if you start your day off right, but I am saying that you will have the wherewithal to make it through your problems and by days end be able to say that it was a good day.

There is no better teacher to teach you how to have a good day than creation. Every day that God had when He created the world ended good. If you learn to follow the pattern that started this world off right, you will find that you can have a good day every day. Let me show you several things that are easily identified that started this world off right.

First, start each day fresh. There was no yesterday when the world was created. Don't let yesterday’s happenings influence today’s attitude. You need to get up every day and say, “This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24)

Second, start your day off with God. The verse above says, “In the beginning God…” You will never have continuous days that are good unless you start them off with God. You must get God involved with your day. I know many people read the Scriptures in the evening, and it is good to end your day with God, but it is better to start your day with God. Don't allow yourself to be so presumptuous that you believe you can live your day without God. Get up early enough so that you can spend time putting God into your day. Because He made your day, He knows what to give you in the Scriptures to help your day go right. Don't miss His instructions to help you have a good day.

Third, come to God as a blank sheet and allow Him to give form to your day. Verse 2 says, “And the earth was without form, and void…”You must allow God to form your mindset for the day. Every day when I open God’s Word, I don't presume what I am going to learn, but I ask God to show me what I need to learn. God can't form your day if you have already put your form to the day. The best day is the day that you allow God to fill the form of your day. You will do this by being a blank sheet of paper and ask God to help you fill it through His Word.

Fourth, ask the Holy Spirit to guide your day. Verse 2 continues to say, “…And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”Christian, you must yield yourself to the Holy Spirit if you want your day to be right. You won’t have a good day if your spirit is guiding your day. Let the Holy Spirit guide your thinking, and allow Him to control what you say. You will find that the Holy Spirit will help you to avoid things that will hurt your day, and He will guide you down the pathway that will help you to have a good day.

Fifth, live a separated life throughout your day. Verse 4 says, “…God divided the light from the darkness.” You are going to have to avoid sin if you want to have a good day. Sin will ruin every day, so don't let it ruin yours. Living a separated life helps you avoid those things that will ruin your day and life.

You can have a good day. These five things will give you a good day every day if they are followed. Always remember, if you start your day off right, you will be able to end it right too!