Strange choice

A Strange Choice

Psalm 135:4
"For the LORD hath chosen Jacob unto himself, and Israel for his peculiar treasure."

Is it not strange that the LORD chose to use Jacob? When you look at Jacob's life, you would wonder why God would use such a character. Jacob lived a deceitful life. He deceived his brother and stole the birthright. He deceived his father by acting like Esau and getting the family's blessing. He deceived his father-in-law when it came to the cattle that were born. The fact is, Jacob was not someone whom you could trust. He was a man whose whole life was filled with deceit. Yet, the LORD chose "...Jacob unto himself,..."

This should encourage everyone who reads this that God can use you also. You must understand that you don't have to be perfect for God to use you. I know, the Devil whispers in your ear that you could never do anything for God, but you must realize he is doing this to discourage you from surrendering to God. The Devil knows that God will get the glory if He chooses to use you. Face it, most of the people in the Scriptures are of questionable character. David put out a contract to have a man killed. Moses killed someone with his own hands. Paul was a mass murderer before he got saved. Abraham had an affair with a woman that resulted in an illegitimate child being born. Peter had problems with a cursing tongue. Rahab had a very bad background. On and on we could go and see how God chose to use people of ill backgrounds. If God can use people like this, then certainly He could choose to use you if you would let him.

God does not choose to use people because of who they are, but He chooses to use people because of Who He is. You must understand this, God looks at His character and not your character. He knows what He can do with people whose backgrounds are not the greatest. He knows this His character can cover your character. In fact, God is simply trying to change the perception of who you are. You must stop thinking that God cannot use you because of who you are. You must realize that He chooses to use you because of Who He is.

Furthermore, God does not choose to use people because of what they have done, but He chooses to use people because of what He can do. Yes, your past may be filled with many bad things, but God looks at His record of how He has done many things with other people who have a less than desirable background. God knows that He can use you, for He has used far less desirable people than you in the past.

Christian, let me encourage you that God can use you if you will allow Him to do so. Don't let the Devil keep you on the sidelines with his lies that you are too bad for God to use. Remember that there is not a person alive who hasn't done something that they shouldn't have done. God can use you if you will allow Him. Yes, you may be a strange choice in your eyes, but in God's eyes you are the right choice. Trust God's choice, and do your best with what He asks you to do. You will find that God has a great future planned for you if you will surrender your will to His. God can use you in His work if you will get in His work and start trying to help others whom He also could use.